WaPOR, teledetección al servicio de la productividad del agua


Aquí encontrará todas las últimas noticias sobre el proyecto WaPOR, desde conferencias y eventos mundiales en los que participa el proyecto, hasta noticias específicas de cada país, así como nuevos recursos a disposición. 

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El equipo del proyecto WaPOR en Malí convocó recientemente una reunión con un especialista en SIG para estudiar la integración de los datos WaPOR en los servicios agrícolas de Malí para el seguimiento de la sequía.

El Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural (MDR) expresó su interés en generar ma...


The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) recently spearheaded the first Co-Design and Co-Creation Workshop in Kenya as part of the WaPOR Project. This initiative brought together stakeholders from various organizations, including the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation, the...


In Tunisia, as part of the WaPOR 2 project, activities have been identified for the development and provision of high-resolution data (20 meters). This includes planning and preparation of fieldwork, collecting ground reference data, and creating maps.

FAO supported the Ministry of Agric...


On 19 and 20 June 2023, the "WaPOR-based tool co-development workshop" was held under FAO's WaPOR phase 2 project. Seventeen participants from the Jordan Valley Authority (JVA), the Ministry of Agricultural and the National Agricultural Research Center participated.


El Ministerio de Recursos Hídricos de Trípoli (Libia), con el apoyo de la Oficina en Libia de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), organizó un taller nacional de formación sobre igualdad de género y empoderamiento de la mujer.

Este curso es...

La FAO firmó un acuerdo con el gobierno de Egipto para lanzar el proyecto "Monitoreo de la productividad de la tierra y el agua mediante sensores remotos" (WaPOR fase 2) en el país.
IHE-Delft ha publicado un nuevo OpenCourseWare sobre conceptos y validación de WaPOR, disponible a partir del 15 de junio.

Este curso tiene como objetivo proporcionar una mejor comprensión de los conceptos teóricos utilizados para generar datos basados en sensores remotos sobre la evapotra...
From 29th May to 31st June, a mission was conducted in Algeria by the Advisory Committee and FAO to facilitate the implementation of the WaPOR 2 project tools in the irrigated area of the Mitidja plain. The mission included in-depth discussions at the National Institute of Agricultural Research of Algeria (INRAA) and a field visit to study irrigation practices. This mission aims to optimize the outcomes of the WaPOR 2 project in Algeria.

The WaPOR project conducted a co-design workshop from 18th to 20th May 2023, facilitated by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and FAO. The primary focus of the workshop was to identify the information requirements of stakeholders for the irrigation performance tool, a...

The FAO and the Moroccan Centre de Ressources du Pilier II du Plan Maroc Vert (CRP2) signed a letter of agreement to ensure the development of water and agriculture geo-services in the basin of Oum Er Rbia, using WaPOR data and methodologies.
La FAO y el Centre de Ressources du Pilier II du Plan Maroc Vert (CRP2) de Marruecos firmaron un acuerdo para garantizar el desarrollo de geoservicios de agua y agricultura en la cuenca de Oum Er Rbia, utilizando datos y metodologías de WaPOR.

The European Space Agency (ESA) recently organized the International Workshop on High-Resolution Thermal Earth Observation (EO), where experts from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) shared their work in land and water management. Livia Peiser, the Technical Officer ...


Jippe Hoogeveen, a staff of the Land and Water division at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Chief Technical Officer for the WaPOR project, recently attended the third Baghdad International Water Conference held between May 6 and 7, 2023.

During the event, Mr. Hoogeveen pa...

El equipo de WaPOR, los socios internacionales del proyecto y los proveedores de servicios de datos se reunieron la semana pasada en la sede de la FAO en Roma, Italia. Esta fue la primera oportunidad para que el equipo de WaPOR se reuniera en persona. Diez coordinadores nacionales de la FAO que viajaban desde los países del proyecto WaPOR (más uno en línea desde Sudán) se unieron al equipo con sede en Roma.
On World Water Day 2023, 22-24 March, the world turned its gaze towards the United Nations Headquarters in New York City for the 2023 Conference for the Midterm Comprehensive Review...
On the occasion of World Water Day 2023, 22 March, the FAO Investment Center, in conjunction with the World Bank, released a brief that features WaPOR data on the key...

In an three-day event from March 19th to 21st, 2023, the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education held a dynamic face-to-face training workshop on WaPOR Data Validation in Khartoum, Sudan. This anticipated training marked the second installment following the highly introductory training on WaPO...

Recent national consultations conducted under the auspices of FAO in Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali and Senegal have identified specific sectoral applications that could help solve key problems in the areas...
The Agricultural Research Corporation and ICARDA (International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas) organized a field day on March 4th, 2023 at the Alkumur area in the Gezira...
​Under the patronage of the University of Jordan (UJ) President, the department of Geography at the School of Arts in cooperation with the Environmental Geographical Association held a symposium entitled:...
The meeting which took place on 9 February is recounted in a press release in the UN Iraq website in English and in Arabic.  Image credit: UN Iraq