Participation in the subproject - Approaching the water-energy nexus in agriculture
The inefficiency in the use of water particularly affects agricultural production, which is in strong competition for water resources. Pressure on available natural resources is likely to increase in the near future due to population growth and climate change. Sea level rise is likely to decrease freshwater quality and the frequency and severity of droughts are expected to intensify.
Caribbean countries are characterized by small areas of land with limited catchment basins, which creates limitations in the replenishment of freshwater resources. There is a lack of availability of surface water resources throughout the year and they depend on limited amounts of groundwater resources, which require more energy to extract.
For example, Antigua and Barbuda is in an area that is expected to receive 30% to 50% less rainfall in 2090 than normal rainfall in the late 20th century. Approximately 70% of Antigua's daily water supply during wet years and 100% during very dry periods is derived from desalination water, with the remainder derived from surface storage and wells.
The Resilient Caribbean Initiative contributes to improving water resource efficiency to increase agricultural productivity in Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) using an integrated Water-Energy-Food nexus approach in Antigua and Barbuda and elsewhere in three Caribbean countries. It promotes technological innovations, such as solar-powered (micro) irrigation systems to improve water efficiency and management (e.g. hydroponics and rooftop rainwater harvesting), and access to clean and climate-smart energy (solar and wind), to increase the agricultural productivity of water.
Participation in Component 2 - Facilitation of access to climate and environmental financing for resilience and adaptation to climate change

The Small Island Developing States (SIDS) of the Caribbean are particularly vulnerable to global systemic risks, due to their small territories, dependence on food imports and the tourism industry, as well as their exposure to extreme hydro meteorological events. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has added a new layer of vulnerability to the economies and livelihoods of these island countries, completely affecting the well-being of their inhabitants and further evidencing their fragility in the face of external risks.
The Caribbean is particularly vulnerable to climate change; it faces significant and extensive climatic variations, changing rainfall patterns, and the increasing occurrence and strengthening of natural disasters in the region.
Antigua and Barbuda, like other Caribbean countries, has a high need to promote resilience and adaptation measures to climate change. To this end, through the Resilient Caribbean Initiative, work is being done on strengthening the capacities of government technical teams in the design of technical cooperation or investment projects to access climate and environmental financing and in the exchange of experiences between countries in the case of multi-country proposals. On the other hand, technical assistance is given to the governments of the countries, in the design and presentation of proposals for technical cooperation or investment projects, whether national or multi-country, to be presented to the Fund for the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Green Climate Fund (FVC).
The Resilient Caribbean Initiative technically supported Antigua and Barbuda, along with seven other countries, in the design of the Soilcare proposal that was endorsed by the Executive Director of the GEF.News
- FAO and the Government of Mexico offer critical support to farmers affected by drought in Antigua and Barbuda
- Water woes pose crucial challenges for farming's future
- FAO and partners present innovative water-energy solutions to address the challenges faced in the agriculture sector in the Caribbean due to climate change