Resilient Caribbean Initiative

Training under the Resilient School Feeding Programme in Belize

Participation in the subproject- Resilient School Feeding Programs
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School feeding is an important food and nutrition security strategy and safety net program to address all forms of malnutrition in many parts of the world and in the Caribbean. Beyond being a mere policy instrument for access to food, in some countries efforts have been made to adopt a "healthy eating" approach, to address aspects of both overweight and undernutrition, and achieve adequate physical and cognitive development. This is particularly important since eating and nutritional habits are mainly acquired during childhood and adolescence.

Thus, in the current context of COVID-19, ensuring the continuity and improvement of School Feeding Program that include the participation of local agriculture and fishing, both during and in the post-COVID19 period, is a valuable strategy, not only to guarantee access to healthy food, but also to stimulate local economies. The Resilient Caribbean Initiative supports this effort.

Participation in Component 2 - Facilitation of access to climate and environmental financing for resilience and adaptation to climate change
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The Small Island Developing States (SIDS) of the Caribbean are particularly vulnerable to global systemic risks, due to their small territories, dependence on food imports and the tourism industry, as well as their exposure to extreme hydro meteorological events. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has added a new layer of vulnerability to the economies and livelihoods of these island countries, completely affecting the well-being of their inhabitants and further evidencing their fragility in the face of external risks.

The Caribbean is particularly vulnerable to climate change; it faces significant and extensive climatic variations, changing rainfall patterns, and the increasing occurrence and strength of natural disasters in the region.

Belize, like other Caribbean countries, has a high need to promote resilience and adaptation measures to climate change. To this end, through the Resilient Caribbean Initiative, work is being done, on strengthening the capacities of government technical teams in the design of technical cooperation or investment and/or projects to access climate finance climate and environmental finance and in the exchange of experiences between pairs of countries in the case of multi-country proposals. On the other hand, technical assistance is given to the governments of the countries, in the design and presentation of proposals for technical cooperation and/or investment projects, whether national or multi-country, to be presented to the Fund for the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and/or the Green Climate Fund (GCF).

Thus, the Resilient Caribbean Initiative contributed to the preparation of project proposals entitled Improving Adaptation Planning and increasing climate resilience in the coastal zone and the fisheries sector of Belize, presented to the GCF Preparation Window and approved in June 2021. Support will continue throughout the project.

The Resilient Caribbean Initiative technically supported Belize, along with seven other countries, in the design of the Soilcare proposal that was endorsed by the Executive Director of the GEF.