Resilient Caribbean Initiative

FAO, 4-H Launch School Garden Competition in Trinidad and Tobago

Student planting seedling during World Food Day Activities.


Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago -  The “Grow to Glow” school garden competition was recently launched across Trinidad and Tobago.  The competition runs until March 2023 and is open to all the 4-H clubs. It seeks to promote wider nutrition education for children and eating local produce which runs until March 2023. 

This is a collaboration between the MEXICO-CARICOM-FAO Initiative: Resilient School Feeding Programmes subproject, 4-H Leaders Council of Trinidad and Tobago and Pennacool Caribbean Limited. Ms Natasha Lee, President 4-H Leaders Council of Trinidad and Tobago commented, “Children are agents of change. Planting the seeds for a passion for agriculture and healthy eating would have a positive impact on their lives as well as a ripple effect on the wider society”. 

There are four main categories: 
1. Traditional Gardens (Field Crop Production) 

2. Traditional Gardens 2 (Pot and Trough/ Container Planting) 

3. Technological Systems (Hydroponics -Water or sharp sand only, Aquaponics & Greenhouse) 

4. Innovative Gardening (Repurposed Materials, Vertical Gardens & Microgreens) 


4-H Clubs can register for the competition until 14 November 2022. Other important dates are listed below. 

1. First Viewing and Advice by County Coordinators – 21st – 30th November 2022 

2. Second Viewing and Advice by County Coordinators – 30th January – 3rd February 2023 

3. Upload of all Videos (Upload Link to be sent) – 20th – 24th March 2023 

4. Final Judging by County Coordinators and Externals – 6th – 10th March 2023 

5. Prize Giving Ceremony – 5th April 2023  

There will be up to $15,000 in prizes to be awarded.