Resilient Caribbean Initiative

Resilient School Feeding Programme Upgrades Six School Kitchens in Belize

One of the school kitchen upgrades in Belize.


Belmopan, Belize- Students' access to healthy and nutritious school meals is becoming a reality in Belize thanks to the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Government of Mexico and the Government of Belize.

Through the 'Resilient School Feeding' sub-project of the Mexico-CARICOM-FAO Initiative "Cooperation for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience in the Caribbean" or Resilient Caribbean Initiative in short, six primary education schools in Belize received kitchen infrastructure upgrades to improve food quality and safety in the preparation of school meals for students. The project's support in upgrading the school kitchens have impacted the lives of 560 students, who can now receive a healthy meal daily.

Starting in 2021, The Resilient School Feeding Programme worked closely with the Principals of the six schools: Chan Chen Government, Biscayne Government, Guinea Grass RC, Lucky Strike Government, San Joaquin RC and Santa Martha Government to assess the needs of each school and identify the upgrades required for kitchens to produce meals for their full complement of students. National Project Coordinator, Cathleen Juan shared "The Resilient School Feeding Programme provided the schools with essential materials to complete the upgrades, including painting supplies, electrical system improvements, plumbing enhancements, and security additions, among other necessary improvements. Notably, a new kitchen was constructed at San Joaquin RC School by dividing a classroom in half and installing a fully equipped kitchen with ample storage space. At Guinea Grass RC, a former library was converted into the school kitchen. These additions ensure that the schools have dedicated facilities capable of preparing nutritious meals for their students."

In addition to the infrastructure upgrades, the six schools received a comprehensive package of large appliances, small appliances, cooking utensils, and serving utensils, which allow for the preparation and serving of daily school meals. Principal Dianira Moh of San Joaquin RC School welcomed the support of the project, indicating, "The school feeding program has greatly impacted our school. Student enrollment has increased and there are less students absent because they look forward to getting a healthy meal. It will benefit each student as they will be more focused in their classes and have more energy to engage in learning."

With USD 40, 000 spent on the school kitchen upgrades through the Resilient Caribbean Initiative and additional funds contributed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Technology, the Ministry of National Defense and Border Security, the school management, and the local school communities, the Resilient School Feeding Programme demonstrates a commitment and shared responsibility of multiple stakeholders towards children's health and wellbeing and FAO's larger goal towards its "four betters":  better production; better nutrition; a better environment; and a better life. By addressing the fundamental needs of schools and ensuring access to healthy meals, the initiative strengthens the foundation for long-term sustainability of the Belize School Feeding programs, and of reaching the outcome of healthier children in Belize.