Pueblos Indígenas

Rome - The rise in nitrogen fertilizers over the past century has significantly contributed to enhancing agricultural production and bolstering food security and nutrition for an expanding global population. Nevertheless, improper use of nitrogen can severely damage air, water, and soil quality, result in biodiversity loss, and exacerbate climate change.

Riyadh– The 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16) to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD),  marked a significant milestone for Indigenous Peoples and their role in contrasting desertification and sustainably managing ecosystems. Indigenous Peoples’ knowled...

Oswaldo De Leon Kantule - Guna - Panama _ viaje en vela de mariposas
Way too often, Indigenous Peoples’ voices are underrepresented on the global stage and in international organisations. This is why FAO launched an art contest to Indigenize its publications. The three winners, from Panama, Nepal and Bangladesh, discuss their artworks and the importance of art for Indigenous Peoples.
Global Indigenous Youth Caucus delegation at the World Food forum WFF
Fourteen Indigenous Youth from 14 counties and different Indigenous Peoples travelled to Rome in October 2024 to participate to the World Food Forum, advocating to listen, respect and join forces with Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Youth across the world in global efforts for sustainable food system transformation.
Indigenous Peoples Biocentric restoration
In recent years, the term "restoration" has gained significant attention, particularly as we confront the urgent challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and ecosystem degradation. However, one restoration initiative stands out as both revolutionary and deeply rooted in wisdom: Indigenous Peoples' Biocentric Restoration
The Global-Hub on Indigenous Peoples’ food systems is an innovative thinktank that pioneers new ways to create knowledge. Gathering Indigenous and non-Indigenous experts, it gives the same level of respect to academic and Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge.
Indigenous Peoples' biocentric restoration at CBD COP 16

At the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Cali, Colombia, groundbreaking initiatives on Indigenous Peoples’ biocentric restoration were unveiled by the FAO in partnership with Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, and Indigenous Peoples’ representatives. 

FAO Indigenous Peoples Unit celebrates the creation of a Subsidiary Body on Article 8(j) and Other Provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) related to Indigenous Peoples at COP16 in Cali

FAO, as a specialized UN Agency, works for the full recognition of the role of Indigenous Peoples´ food and knowledge systems in biodiversity conservation and reaffirms the importance of respecting their collective and customary rights according to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and the FAO Policy on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples.

Indigenous Nomadic Tents at FAO Headquarters for the 2023 UNGIYF

The Indigenous Nomadic Tents will be back in FAO Headquarters from the 14 to the 18 October 2024. The two tents, travelling all the way from the Saami lands in Norway, will be an Indigenous territory in the heart of Rome. One of them will be hosting the m...

2015 was declared by the UN General Assembly as the “International Year of Soils” with FAO nominated as the technical secretariat. The year is increasing the awareness and understanding of the key role soil plays for food security and ecosystem functions.
Indigenous peoples from Latin American and FAO experts discuss together hot to measure food insecurity in their communities

Bangkok, Thailand. A new publication launched today is calling for better recognition of indigenous peoples’ rights to shifting cultivation practices in countries of the Asia-Pacific region in order to ensure indigenous people are food-secure in coming years.


Do you know about an interesting sustainable soil management practice that improves soil health? 

FAO, in the ambit of the International ...

FAO participates in youth networks that bring young food producers together from around the world
Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition Consultation

From the 3rd of November until tomorrow, more than 5,000 food professionals and up to 640 delegates belonging to 140 indigenous peoples are gathered in Shillong (India) celebrating their food culture and discussing ways to join their ancestral knowledge and expertise in sustainable food produc...


Indigenous peoples can play a critical role in the fight against hunger, according to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Given their invaluable traditional knowledge, the FAO says indigenous peoples can be key partners in alleviating food insecurity, as well as the attain...


The 25 indigenous women leaders who participated in the Human Rights, Food Security and Nutrition ...


Indigenous women leaders from different regions of Peru met in the city of Lima to participate in the face-to-face seminar of the Leadership School of Indigenous Women, a joint initiative of the International Indigenous Women Forum (IIWF-FIMI) and FAO. 13 indigenous women...