Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches
for Food Security and Nutrition

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Compendium of good practices

The ‘Compendium of 15 good practices’, published by the JP GTA in 2020, showcases successful gender transformative approaches across different settings. It outlines good practices and experiences that contribute to positive gender-related transformational changes towards food security, improved nutrition and sustainable agriculture.

The Compendium provides guidance on how to apply gender transformative approaches in any institution working in agriculture and rural areas. The contributions come from a wide range of organizations that are active practitioners of these approaches in agriculture and rural development.

The gender transformative approaches presented in the Compendium can be implemented at various levels – individual, family/household, group/community and institutional – in partnership with non-governmental organizations, local civil society organizations and/or local and district governments.

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Download the summary flyer:
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Access the 15 good practices

1. Gender Action Learning System
Oxfam Novib


2. Gender Household Approach
Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung


3. Gender Model Family
Social Enterprise Development Foundation of West Africa


4. Individual Household Mentoring


5. Journeys of Transformation or Engaging Men as Allies in Women’s Economic Empowerment


6. Nurturing Connections
Helen Keller International


7. Community Conversations


8. Dimitra Clubs


9. Farmers’ Field and Business Schools
CARE (USA and International)


10. Farmer Field and Life School


11. Gender Mainstreaming in Member-based Organizations


12. Social Analysis and Action - Ethiopia
CARE International


13. Models to Empower Women in Outgrower Schemes


14. Joint Programme to Accelerate Progress towards the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women
FAO, IFAD, WFP and UN Women


Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centres