Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches
for Food Security and Nutrition

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Knowledge generation


Generating knowledge on gender transformative approaches that can meaningfully enhance food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture lies at the heart of the JP GTA.

This includes developing a common theory of change to assist the United Nations Rome-based-Agencies in conceptualising and carrying out gender equality work with a transformational and sustainable impact. The JP GTA will also develop a minimum set of indicators for gender transformative programming that the RBAs and their partners can adopt – and adapt as needed – in their work.

To take stock and draw lessons from existing practices, the JP GTA has also published a Compendium that compiles 15 good practices on gender transformative approaches. The Compendium raises awareness of the relevance and importance of GTAs, provides guidance on how to apply such approaches and serves as a resource for organizations already working with GTAs to identify opportunities for strengthening their interventions.

In addition, the JP GTA has developed a Guide to assist with formulating indicators to measure changes in gendered social norms in the context of food security and nutrition. The Guide also offers an initial set of example indicators that programme implementers can draw on to assess social norms change in the context of food security and nutrition programmes.