


The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) or International Labour Organization (ILO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities


In many regions of the world, including the NENA region and Lebanon, sustainable and reliable delivery of water for irrigation and municipal use has become increasingly complex and problematic. This issue also extends to affect the protection of the ecosystems from water pollution.


Agricultural technical education was established in Lebanon in 1943 by virtue of Decree No. 2106. In 1962, the agricultural technical education was affiliated to the Ministry of Agriculture and the first technical school was established in Fanar, Beirut. In 1987, a law organizing the Agricultural technical and vocational education was issued. The MoA established seven Agricultural Technical Schools.


The project will support 250 women cooperatives and associations by creating an enabling environment and establish or expand agro-food income-generating activities. The project will further support 150 women groups through cash grants and labor voucher. توسيع نطاق الأنشطة المدرة للدخل في مجال الأغذية الزراعية. سيتم إختيار 150 مجموعة نسائية لدعمها من خلال المنح النقدية وقسائم العمل. وبموازاة ذلك، ستُعزّز قدرة وزارة الزراعة و قدرات مديريتيّ الزراعة والتعاونيات.


Under the framework of the TCP regional project TCP/SNO/3501 - Capacity building for food losses redution in the Near East this guide will serve as a technical reference and tool to be used by all stakeholders in the apple value chain in Lebanon in order to reduce the post harvest losses of apples.