One Country One Priority Product (OCOP)


FAO marked a significant milestone on December 6 by officially launching a global project to support the implementation of the FAO One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) initiative under the framework of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme.
The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, on Wednesday called on Members and all other stakeholders to provide financial, technical and human resources to support the implementation of FAO’s One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) Initiative, which can make a real impact to transform agrifood systems.
Participants at the Samoa Koko Market Day

The "Koko Market Day" in Samoa has breathed new life into the country's cocoa industry, shedding light on key aspects such as improved production techniques, value addition, investment potential, and the pivotal role of cocoa in Samoan households and the national economy.


The commitment of Egypt to promote date palm as a Special Agricultural Product (SAP) received a significant boost with the establishment of the National Task Force (NTF) under the FAO One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) initiative. 


The inaugural meeting of the FAO Regional Organizing Group (ROG) for the One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) initiative in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) has set a promising path for the sustainable development of the Special Agricultural Products (SAPs) in the region.


The implementation of the projects under the One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) initiative in Near East and North Africa (NENA) countries launched with a grand event and workshop in Cairo, Egypt, from 11 to 13 September 2023. 

The first meeting of the Regional Organizing Group (ROG) for the One Country One Product (OCOP) initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean is held to coordinate and facilitate the successful and impactful implementation of the OCOP in the region.
Over 120 participants from 14 countries across the region of Latin America and the Caribbean gathered in the capital of Trinidad and Tobago for the FAO Regional Launch and Workshop on the Implementation of the Country Projects under the One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) initiative.

The International Capacity Building Workshop on Technology Transfer on GIES for OCOP implementation in the Asia-Pacific Region co-organized by FAO RAP and Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR/CAS) has been successfully conducted from 15 to 22 August.


More than 130 sweet cherry growers from the Fergana Region in Uzbekistan were brought together under FAO’s One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) initiative to provide them with agrotechnical, technical support, and advice to increase the competitiveness of their products in domestic and international markets, thereby increasing the incomes of smallholder farmers and contributing to sustainable rural developments.

Over 200 participants from all countries across the region of Asia and the Pacific gathered in Dhaka for the FAO Regional Launch and Workshop on the Implementation of the OCOP Country Projects.
Short documentaries have been produced to highlight the potential benefits that could yield from sustainable development of Special Agricultural Products under the One Country One Priority Product initiative.
First meeting of the National Task Force held in Dhaka with over 30 participants and observers, with representatives of FAO, Government and stakeholders, establishing a body that will oversee and facilitate the implementation of the OCOP in Bangladesh
The inaugural meeting of Regional Organizing Group (ROG), began their to coordinate and facilitate the successful and impactful implementation of OCOP in the region of Asia and the Pacific with high-level support and key stakeholders onboard.

Institutional leaders from the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences were welcomed by NSP Director Jingyuan Xia for discussions to strengthen collaboration for the OCOP.

FAO Syria held an inception workshop with representatives from different stakeholders across the olive value chain to introduce the OCOP, share preliminary results from a value chain analysis of this special agricultural product and gather feedback.
Following his re-election Director-General QU Dongyu highlighted the importance of OCOP in his opening statement at the 43rd Session of the FAO Conference
The FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF) Dashboard is a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that makes status information about priorities agreed between FAO and each Member State readily available. OCOP is a key entry point for FAO to support Members reach the goals defined in CPF documents.
A four-session training on value chain analysis methodology was held between 30 May and 22 June 2023 for One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) demonstration countries.