Plant Production and Protection


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This leaflet is a simple overview of the Green Cities Initiative that focuses on improving the urban environment, strengthening urban-rural linkages and the resilience of urban systems, services and populations to external shocks.

Agrifood systemsSustainabilitySustainable Agrifood SytemsUrban and peri-urban AgricultureUrban greening

The IYM communication handbook and toolkit provides background about the IYM objectives, slogan, theme, facts, key messages, calls for action and visual identity, in addition to calling for the submission of human interest stories, providing a communications toolkit and highlighting ways to get engaged in IYM celebrations.

Communication ToolkitInternational Year of Millets 2023IYM2023Millets

Country One Priority Product (OCOP) initiative in Africa aims to build more sustainable food value chain systems, support family and smallholder farmers to be profitable and improve their livelihoods, minimize the use of chemical inputs and natural resources, reduce food loss and waste, and limit the negative impacts on the environment. It does this through green value chain development for Special Agriculture Products (SAPs), from green production to storage, processing and marketing.

AfricaAgriculturalGlobal ActionsOne Country One PriorityPlant ProductionSustainable livelihoodsValue chain

This book will convince the reader to care about fruit and vegetables and to see that the small-scale production of these crops is fundamental to achieving sustainable development goals. In five chapters, the reader will learn about the challenges and rewards for producers, sellers, and consumers.

Fruits and VegetablesPlant ProductionSDGsSmall-scale production

The Action Framework (2021-2025) for the Global Action on Green Development of Special Agro-Products: “One country – One Priority Product” (OCOP) presents the rationale, main pillars, key principles, thematic areas, results framework, budget, and activity planning, coordination and implementation, and guidelines for country project application for implementation of the Global Action.

Global ActionsOne Country One PriorityPlant Health