- 到2030年将粮食浪费减半,将粮食损失至少减少25%。
- 打造更可持续和更有韧性的粮食体系,努力确保将粮食损失和浪费水平降至最低。
- 推动和加强各成员国和组织在整个粮食体系内的合作,确保学习和分享最佳实践。
- 促进对减少粮食损失和浪费进行投资。
# 123 Pledge to Reduce Food Loss and Waste: the first Initiative of the Coalition
The #123 Pledge, launched during CoP27, is the first initiative of the Coalition. The ‘123 Pledge’ is coordinated by Champions 12.3, UN Environment Programme (UNEP), and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It is also supported by WRAP, WWF, and Rabobank.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is pleased to invite governments, companies, institutions and individuals to pledge to align their action agendas to halve food waste by 2030 and reduce food losses by at least 25 percent, toward accelerating actions to achieve SDG target 12.3.
Why is the Pledge Important?
“With the damaging effects climate change has on food security and nutrition, and the negative effects of agrifood systems on climate change and the environment across the world, now is the moment for decisive action to transform how our agrifood systems operate and reduce food loss and waste, providing benefits from both a mitigation and adaptation angle to assure better production, better nutrition, better environment, and a better life” said Máximo Torero Cullen, Chief Economist of FAO. “Commitment from all stakeholders – from governments, private sector companies, small producers, and civil society to consumers – will be required if we are to make a dent in the issue of FLW and achieve the aspirations of the 2030 Agenda. This is the importance of the #123Pledge and the collaborative efforts championed by the Food Is Never Waste Coalition".
“Food loss and waste drives up to 10% of planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions, yet just a handful of countries mention it in their national climate plans. None of the world’s biggest emitters are on that list,” said Liz Goodwin, Senior Fellow and Director of Food Loss and Waste at World Resources Institute, which serves as secretariat of Champions 12.3. “Despite some real bright spots, the world is woefully behind where it needs to be. Without real action to halve food loss and waste, it will be very difficult to solve the climate crisis.”
“Halfway towards 2030, now is the time to act globally. Countries with long track records of measuring and cutting food loss and waste should support countries getting started on this journey. Companies should be mainstreaming best practices throughout their operations worldwide. And every one of us can act now, at home and at work” said Sheila Aggarwal-Khan, Director, Economy Division at UNEP. “Every day, every plate counts.”
• 国家:美国、巴西、印度尼西亚、意大利、厄瓜多尔
• 联合国机构/国际融资机构:粮农组织、环境署、世界银行、区域开发银行
• 非政府组织:世界资源研究所、水资源行动纲领、全球食品银行网络
• 学术界/智库/研究中心:瓦赫宁根大学、国际农业研究磋商组织
• 其他:倡导者12.3、荷兰合作银行
![UN FSS website UN FSS website](/images/foodlosswastelibraries/food-loos---food-waste/un-fss-website.png?sfvrsn=1462a52b_8)
What is the real cost of food?
International day of awareness of food loss and waste 2021 video