Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

Events archive

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Hybrid Event, 29/11/2018

Rome, Italy - 13:15-14:45, Auditorium The event will highlight post-harvest initiatives in a variety of countries (e.g., Uganda, Zambia, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar, Burundi and Sudan) and raise awareness of WFP’s zer

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Hybrid Event, 07/11/2018

Rome, Italy – With one in five deaths associated with poor-quality diets, a policy brief launched today urges policymakers to prioritize the reduction of food loss and waste as a way of improving people’s access to nutritious and healthy food. The brief,

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Hybrid Event, 29/10/2018 - 30/10/2018

Kyoto, Clock Tower Centennial Hall / This is the first conference which will cover wide range of concept on “food and sustainability”. Keynote lecture, special symposium, oral and poster sessions and networking events will be held by Kyoto University Grad

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Hybrid Event, 20/10/2018

Food losses and food waste (FLW) has become a worldwide problem in recent years and is widely identified as a key barrier to global sustainability (Xue et al. 2017). Consequently, reduction of FLW has emerged as a priority on the global, regional, and nat

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Hybrid Event, 18/10/2018

On 25 October at the Champions 12.3 event the Food Reform for Health and Sustainability (FReSH) project announced the creation of the Food Loss and Waste Value Calculator that allows to instantly estimate the value of food loss and waste in terms of the n

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Hybrid Event, 16/10/2018

Washington DC (11:30 AM - 1.30 PM) / The Inter-American Development Bank in occasion of the World Food Day is launching its initiative #SinSesperdicio to reduce food loss ans waste in Latin America. The initiative will focus on four topics: 1. Innovatio

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Hybrid Event, 10/10/2018 - 11/10/2018

PYXERA Global will convene an invite-only forum focusing on four specific solvable problems. Leaders and experts from across sectors will come together for two days of intensive collaboration to move the Global Goals from aspiration to achievement. The F

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Hybrid Event, 08/10/2018

FAO's Nutrition and Food Systems Division assists Member Countries to improve diets and raise levels of nutrition and provides support with appropriate policies, strategies and methodologies for improving the efficiency and inclusiveness of their food and

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Hybrid Event, 02/10/2018 - 04/10/2018

Dakar, Senegal / “Scaling-out Country-led Approaches for Sustainable Aflatoxin Mitigation in Africa” Background Aflatoxins are toxic and carcinogenic substances produced by certain fungi which commonly contaminate a wide range of staple food and cash cr

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Hybrid Event, 01/10/2018 - 05/10/2018

Addis Ababa - Ethipia / The Africa Nutritional Epidemiology Conference (ANEC) is the leading regional nutrition conference in Africa held biennially in various parts of the continent. ANEC provides a forum for nutrition scientists, public health professio