Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste


Development of Voluntary Codes of Conduct on Food Loss and Waste Reduction
Global Advisory Panel for Development of Voluntary Codes of Conduct on Food Loss and Waste Reduction - Call for nominations
A workshop is held in Djibouti to launch a new project entitled “Post-Harvest Loss Reduction for Enhanced Food and Nutrition Security in IGAD Member States”. It will contribute to improving the capacity of IGAD and its Member States in developing and implementing solutions to food loss and waste at various levels (from policy, to improved market linkages and technologies).
SFS WEBINAR: Promoting partnerships and synergies for food loss and waste reduction

The 10YFP is a global commitment that was adopted at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in 2012, in response to the need to accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in both developed and developing countries. The One Planet networ...

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) are jointly launching the e-learning course on Food Loss Analysis.
A workshop was held at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center (11-15 September 2017), inspired by discussions with the YieldWise Initiative, focused on market-based approaches to scale up successful Post-Harvest Management (PHM) experiences, drawing on lessons from Sub Saharan Africa (SSA). 
A new project on affordable post-harvest technologies such as low-cost cold storage equipments to boost farmers resilience and income is managed by Dr Jane Ambuko, a scientist at the University of Nairobi's Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection and CoP on food loss reduction member.
Support Post-Harvest Losses Reduction and Agro-Processing (PHAP)

The African Development Bank, in collaboration with FAO, is organizing a High Level Ministerial Dialogue on Post-Harvest Losses Reduction and Agro-Processing (PHAP), to be held in Abidjan on 21-2...

First Africa-wide Postharvest food loss reduction Congress and Exhibition

28/03/2017 - 31/03/2017 (Nairobi, Kenya) 

The World Food Preservation Center® LLC in conjunction with its sister University (University of Nairobi) and a consortium of Universities and a Research & Development Institution in Africa organized the First all Africa Postharvest Loss...

Help shape APHLIS: your open postharvest loss data resource for sub-Saharan Africa
As part of its five year rejuvenation project, the African Postharvest Losses Information System (APHLIS) run a survey among the international postharvest loss community to source feedback and ideas on how to best improve its data services. 
Improving our estimates of postharvest losses: APHLIS+ launch

Launched in 2009, APHLIS is a scientific model which provides evidence-based estimates on postharvest cereal losses (PHLs) across 38 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

The APHLIS+ network meeting, hosted by the Natural Resources Institute in Accra (Ghana) 5-9 September 2016, provided ...