Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste


A short course providing participants with expert lectures on a wide variety of topics relevant to the crop supply chain from quality parameters, value chain analysis, and economic impact of food losses & waste to multi-stakeholder involvement.
Micro-nutrient loss in food loss and waste in fruit and vegetables
There is lack of information on micro-nutrient losses in the food supply chains. Given the large scale of micro-nutrient deficiencies and the need of diversified diets to prevent and control micro-nutrient deficiencies worldwide, there is a real need for nutrient loss data to assess the causes and scale of the problem. 

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the UN Rome based agencies (FAO, IFAD and WFP) co-organized a workshop on Post-Harvest Management (PHM) / Food Loss Reduct...

Measuring Food Losses and Food Waste a parallel session at ICAS VII
A set of parallel sessions on "Sustainable Agricultural Production and Consumption" is organized. In this framework FAO is coordinating a dedicated one on "Measuring Food Losses and Food Waste". 

Your contribution in collecting and describing existing postharvest loss (PHL) assessment methodologies can make the difference! 

After the consultation undertaken to get CoP members’ insights about the preferred topics of discussion, a new thread has been launched on

Small-scale Postharvest Handling Technologies Short Course/Study Tour
The Small-scale Postharvest Handling Technologies Short Course/Study Tour was successfully held during 23-27 February 2015 in Arusha, Tanzania by the Postharvest Education Foundation (PEF).

What are your experiences in levels of grain losses, particularly maize? How were they measured? What solutions can be/were implemented to reduce these losses? What success stories can you share with the Community?


In the framework of the Food Processing and Packaging Exposyum (FPPE) 2014 on 19 November (9:00-17:00 hrs / Nairobi, Kenya) FAO held a one-day event on Food Loss Reduction - Partnership and Capacity Building

Food losses and waste in the context of sustainable food systems
Summary and recommendations of the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) report on “Food losses and waste in the context of sustainable food systems” are now available.
African Union (AU) Malabo Declaration on Agriculture and Postharvest Losses

The AU launched  2014 the “Year of Agriculture and Food Security” marking the 10th anniversary of the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) on January 30, 2014 during its 22nd Assembly in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia...