What We Do 

Networking among stakeholders

AFRAS provides as space for networking and collaboration among stakeholders in the field of extension and rural advisory services within and beyond the Arab countries. AFRAS engages a variety of stakeholders at national, regional and international levels to foster debates and learning opportunities on RAS.

Information sharing and exchange of experience

AFRAS provides channels for sharing shares experiences including case studies, good practices, lessons learnt, and stories developed directly by AFRAS members and AFRAS stakeholders, in the form of blogs, seminars, workshops, videos.

Knowledge management

AFRAS collates and makes available knowledge resources and the latest publications of relevance for extension and rural advisory services in the Near East and North Africa and beyond.

Access to learning opportunities

Through its dedicated learning portal, AFRAS makes available an array of e-learning courses on topics which are strategic to the modernization of extension and RAS systems across the region.

Promote digitally enabled RAS

AFRAS collects and provides insights into the most recent digital tools applied to the domain of extension and RAS, and synthesizing lessons learned to enhance effectiveness and outreach.

Advocacy and policy dialogue

AFRAS advocates for an enabling policy and legal environment for the advancement of RAS by facilitating and informing policy dialogue and advocacy events at regional and national level.

Inform RAS modernization processes

AFRAS facilitates multistakeholder dialogues and access to knowledge and expertise for national institutions engaging in RAS modernization processes at the country level.