

The regional study was elaborated by May Hani (FAO Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division), Valentina Sommacal (FAO Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division), Rasheed Sulaiman V (Centre for Research on Innovation and Science Policy – CRISP) and Cécile Berranger (FAO Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division).


Rural advisory services play a crucial role in improving smallholders’ livelihoods and reducing rural poverty by equipping farmers with the information, knowledge and skills needed to increase their productivity and profitability, to manage risks, and to engage effectively with markets.


Rural advisory services play a crucial role in improving smallholders’ livelihoods and reducing rural poverty by equipping farmers with the information, knowledge, and skills needed to increase their productivity and profitability, to manage risks, and to engage effectively with markets. This entails diverse services that empower farmers to make informed decisions, manage their farms as sustainable businesses, and act collectively to improve economic operations.


Rural advisory services play a crucial role in improving smallholders’ livelihoods and reducing rural poverty by equipping farmers with the information, knowledge and skills needed to increase their productivity and profitability, to manage risks, and to engage effectively with markets.


Special acknowledgements go to the technical reviewers of the document, namely Deborah Rubin, Margaret N. Mangheni and Andrea Bohn. The authors are particularly grateful for the support, inputs and comments provided by Andrea Bohn (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Associate Director of INGENAES, throughout the development and validation of the tool.


This publication was prepared as a background document for the FAO Expert Consultation on “New Directions for Inclusive Pluralistic Service Systems” held in Rome, Italy from 11 to 13 May 2016.


Some seventy five percent of the poor live in rural areas and the majority depend on agriculture for their livelihoods as smallholder farmers, pastoralist, fishers, or forest users (World Bank, 2016). Globally,


This document benefited immensely from the comments and suggestions offered by many. We would like to acknowledge the review done by Kristin Davis (GFRAS) and Francesca Cofini (FAO). The authors would like also to thank Francesco Pierri (FAO) for his inputs and comments on an earlier version of this paper as well as Nimisha Mittal and Chandrakanth Madamanchi for their inputs and support (CRISP).


This publication reports the results of the FAO Expert Consultation on “New Directions for Inclusive Pluralistic Service Systems”, held in Rome, Italy, from 11 to 13 May 2016. The meeting was organized by the Social Policies and Rural Institutions Division and the Research and Extension Unit of FAO in close collaboration with the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT). It is part of an ongoing collaboration between FAO and KIT on pluralistic service systems (PSS), led by May Hani,