FAO and IFAD host the 1st Annual Meeting of the Arab Forum for Rural Advisory Services (AFRAS) featuring innovation in extension and rural advisory services across the Arab region.


29/07/2024, Amman

With a clear vision of contributing to rural transformation and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), today marks the first Annual Meeting of the Arab Forum for Rural Advisory Services (AFRAS) organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS),

Over 70 Members of AFRAS community including champions, policy makers and practitioners of extension and rural advisory services from across the Arab region gathered in Amman for a three-day meeting, to exchange knowledge on the status of extension and Rural Advisory Services (RAS) systems across the region from an innovation in policy and practice perspective; and to catalyze engagement of community members in the delivery of AFRAS functions at the regional and the country level.

“AFRAS is a notable example of collective action to advance extension and rural advisory services across the Arab region. It offers a space for champions, policy makers and practitioners of extension and rural advisory services across the region, to meet, discuss, innovate, co-create and contribute making RAS more effective, sustainable and inclusive” said Ahmad Mukhtar, FAO Senior Economist, in his opening statement. 

“As key partner of AFRAS, IFAD is committed to support the innovative and inclusive approaches that AFRAS champions, sharing a vision of creating resilient rural communities through extension and advisory services. This vision aligns seamlessly with IFAD’s mission to empowering people to overcome poverty” said Mohamed Abdelgadir, Head of IFAD Multi-Country Office in Cairo

RAS play a key role in enabling farmers to cope with both production and marketing challenges, thus contributing to enhancing rural livelihoods and reducing poverty. This entails a wide range of market-oriented services that enable smallholders to increase their productivity, manage their farms sustainably, and make informed decisions to transition towards “farming as a business.”  Hence, the strategic importance of regional networking to advocate for and favor the modernization of RAS in the region and their central role in contributing to the broader processes of rural and agrifood system transformation.

HRH Princess Basma Bint Ali, founder of the Royal Botanic Garden and FAO Goodwill Ambassador for the Near East and North Africa stated, “Rural extension services play a vital role in promoting sustainable development, as they help transfer knowledge and technology to farmers and contribute to improving agricultural productivity, enhancing food security and raising the standard of living in rural areas.” She added, “The role of women in agriculture and rural development is no less important than that of men. Rural women are the main workers in agriculture, and they are also the ones who support families and communities. Therefore, we must ensure that women are given the opportunities and resources necessary to enable them to perform their role efficiently and effectively.”

“The 1st annual meeting of AFRAS is indeed a momentous event for the AFRAS community honing several exchange, networking and learning opportunities. For instance AFRAS Focal Points officially nominated by Ministries of Agriculture across the region will introduce and discuss their respective service systems: a unique opportunity to reflect on common challenges, good practices, and possible collaborations” stated May Hani, FAO Senior Programme Office.

The meeting features a poster exhibition showcasing notable experiences, good practices, and innovative solutions on the theme of the meeting: ‘Innovation in policies and practices for modernizing RAS in Arab Countries’ presented by members of the AFRAS community affiliated to research organizations, non-government organizations, cooperatives, regional and international organizations.

“The Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) is committed to supporting AFRAS by connecting its community to other global networks, facilitating the exchange of information, knowledge, and best practices. Through this collaboration, AFRAS can leverage international expertise to modernize RAS, promote effective policy dialogue, and drive transformative change in rural areas." Highlighted Carl Larsen, GFRAS Executive Director.

Under the lead of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) of Jordan, participants will have the opportunity to go for a field visit to MoA led projects and women-led NGOs in Jerash Governorate where they will experience innovative and inclusive rural advisory services in action.