FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation

Healthy Food for All: Market Trends Impacting Diets for Youth in Russia

Side-event | World Food Forum

Hybrid Event, 15/10/2024

©FAO/Cristiano Minichiello

FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation is organizing its first ever side-event in the framework of the World Food Forum. Our Regional Forum Event (Satellite Event)"Healthy Food for All: Market Trends Impacting Diets for Youth in Russia” will take place at the UN House in Moscow where the participants will discuss the latest trends in healthy diets.

The event will bring together young people, experts, and industry leaders to explore the intersection of youth nutrition and food market trends, focusing on how to leverage these trends for better health and economic outcomes in Russia. It will foster knowledge exchange on nutrition and sustainable development, with a focus on achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2). While key SDG 2 indicators have been met in Russia, the challenge of promoting healthy eating habits remains critical.

Date: 15 October 2024
Time: 16:00 Moscow time | 15:00 CET

Please REGISTER here to take part in the event virtually.

The event code: YR01

Please note that the event will be held in RUSSIAN only.



Ludmila Aleksandrova, journalist, Moskovskiy Komsomolets
Anna Benoit, Communication Specialist, FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation
Eduard Porvatov, National Partnerships Consultant, FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation


Welcoming remarks by 

Oleg Kobiakov, Director, FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation

Vladimir Kuznetsov, Director, UN Information Centre in Moscow
Elena Yurasova, Technical Officer, Noncommunicable Diseases, WHO Office in the Russian Federation
Dmitriy Pekurovskiy, Chairman, All-Russian Youth Public Organization "Russian Union of Rural Youth"
Olga Panova, President, "Health of Our Children" union, head of the "School Milk" programme in Russia, nutritionist
Nikita Rossov, Entrepreneur, head of Milasha Cheese family farm in Irkutsk region (Russia), former SDG2 Youth Envoy for Russia (2020-2021)
Irina Tutkova, professor at the Federal State University of Education (Moscow, Russia)
Representative of PJSC "Magnit", Russia's food retail chains (tbc)
Representative, VkusVill Healthy Food Retail Chain (tbc)
Representative, RosBioTech University (Moscow, Russia)
Representative, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Representative of the Russian Youth Union (tbc)
Roman Chubak, GR Manager, National Union of Milk Producers (SoyuzMoloko) (tbc)
Elizaveta Churshukova, Head of the project "Food for Thought" from the organization "Voices for Animals"

Live Q&A Section

Live Q&A Section will focus on engaging young minds in discussions related to food security, sustainability, and innovation within the agrifood sector. This event will be part of the broader efforts of the World Food Forum (WFF). During this session students of leading Russian Universities and other participants would be able to ask any questions regarding the key topics of discussion.

By focusing on innovation, sustainability, and interdisciplinary collaboration, the event aligns with the WFF's goals of empowering youth to drive positive change in the agrifood sector.

Please note: to allow everyone to ask their questions and match the timing in the agenda, please send your questions to: [email protected]

About the World Food Forum

The World Food Forum (WFF) was launched in 2021 by the Youth Committee of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), as an independent network of partners. Hosted within FAO, it serves as the premier global platform to actively shape agrifood systems for a better food future, accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through youth action, science and innovation, and investment, the WFF forges new paths of action and multi-sector partnerships for agrifood impact at the local, regional and global levels to achieve a more sustainable, resilient, inclusive and hunger-free food future for all.

Within this framework, WFF Global Youth Action was established to harness the passion and power of youth and incite positive action for agrifood systems through youth empowerment. It acts as a catalytic movement and driver of youth engagement in food governance, and serves as a knowledge center and innovation lab, fostering and inspiring youth-led solutions. It thus actively contributes to the implementation of the UN Youth 2030 Strategy and enhances youth engagement in the follow-up to the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit.

WFF Global Youth Action is implemented through a set of thematic programmes that leverage intergenerational and cross-sectoral collaboration, innovation and investment: Youth Assembly, Innovation Lab, Education, Local Action and Culture.

All year-long activities of WFF Global Youth Action culminate in an annual flagship event, which harnesses intergenerational collaboration, as well as partnerships and action across policy, science, innovation, education, culture and investment. In 2024 the World Food Forum (WFF) Global Youth Action - a youth-led movement and network to transform our agrifood systems - is committed to the theme: “Good food for all, for today and tomorrow”.

The WFF Global Youth Action is engaging and mobilizing youth and youth supporters from around the world through a range of events, innovations, targeted agrifood investments and solutions designed to spark holistic, strategic and at-scale sustainable agrifood systems transformation.