FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation

FAO projects financed by the Russian Federation

Russia as a resource partner 

The Russian Federation and FAO are engaged in cooperation supporting a wide array of development and emergency assistance initiatives in the region and around the world. The Russian Federation serves as a reliable resource partner for a number of FAO projects. According to the FAO annual funding review, for the period from 2020 to 2022 Russia provided to FAO over USD 50 million in assessed and voluntary contributions.

For example, the Russian Federation has donated $3 million to help FAO provide conflict-affected farmers and herders in Syria with critical livelihood and nutrition support. This is the first FAO emergency project funded by Russia. The donation enabled FAO to support 60,000 vulnerable households (or 360 000 farmers and herders) in the area of Aleppo, who were severely impacted by the crisis, to restore their production capacity and improve their food security and nutrition.

FAO and the Russian Federation contribution agreement to ramp up fight against desert locust in East Africa and help affected communities

In July 2020, FAO and the Russian Federation have signed a $10 million Contribution Agreement aimed at boosting efforts to control and eliminate Desert Locusts in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda.

In Kenya, the funds from the Russian Federation contributed to providing livelihood support to 7,000 farming families and 6,000 poultry producing families. In Ethiopia, the contribution supported aerial surveillance and control operations through the contracting of charter flights and helicopters and the procurement of pesticides. In South Sudan, the funds contributed to the scaling up of surveillance in ground control activities and in Uganda, they helped to support the livelihoods of the 7,000 farming and 3,000 pastoralist households through irrigation systems, cash transfers livestock feed and others.

Private sector contributions

In 2018, PhosAgro, Russia's leading phosphate-based fertiliser producer, signed an agreement with FAO to donate $1.2 million to improve farmers' skills in sustainable soil management and enhance the capacities of national soil laboratories in Africa, Latin America and the Near East.

In 2021, FAO and PhosAgro announced the expansion of their cooperation. As a result, by 2023, PhosAgro's total contribution to the project will reach USD 2.4 million.

In 2024, PhosAgro contributes an additional $3 million to help thousands of farmers adopt soil-improving management practices. The funds will enable FAO to upscale national and regional capacity building in soil assessment and sustainable soil management worldwide.

©FAO/Matteo Sala

Major FAO projects financed by the Russian Federation


Title Establishment of Russian Lounge at FAO HQ
Abstract Establish a prestigious lounge carrying the name of the Donor country at FAO headquarter. The design will be inspired to functionality and modernity also reflecting the image of the Donor country and its traditional colours and textures. The lounge will be used for daily dining and high-level receptions.
Start date 13/12/2021
End date 12/12/2036
Budget 300 000 USD
Project Code MTF /GLO/1058/RUS
Title Integrated support to build resilience and restore livelihoods of earthquake-affected population, returnees and host communities in Aleppo, Hama and Idleb
Abstract Support 40 000 affected households (240 000 people) to earthquake affected and newly accessible (Government-controlled) areas in Aleppo, Idleb and Hama by building their resilience with access to irrigation, access to inputs, and enhanced income generating activities.
Start date 15/12/2023
End date 14/12/2026
Budget 7 874 765 USD
Project Code OSRO/SYR/037/RUS
Title Support for the promotion of Sustainable Soil Management in the framework of the Global Soil Partnership: Phase III
Abstract This project builds on the outstanding achievements of the two previous phases of the project. Support to the promotion of sustainable soil management in the framework of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) for the promotion of sustainable soil management at national, regional and global levels. Furthermore, it benefits from the strengthened collaborations between the GSP and international initiatives, Regional Soil Partnerships and national soil institutions.
Start date 24/12/2021
End date 30/06/2024
Budget 2 000 000 USD
Project Code GCP /GLO/772/RUS
Title Reducing the advance of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in food and agriculture
Abstract The project is focused on strengthening technical capacities of and enabling environment in targeted countries and is expected to produce: - improved awareness of key national stakeholders and general public on the risks related to AMR for humans, food, animals, plants and the environment is improved and the food and agriculture sector is actively involved in the development of multi-sectoral National Action Plans on AMR.
Start date 30/03/2017
End date 31/08/2024
Budget 3 250 000 USD
Project Code GCP /RER/057/RUS
Photo: ©FAO/Vladimir Mikheev


Title Desert locust response to mitigate impacts on food security and livelihoods in Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Uganda
Abstract The project aimed to support countries' capacities in view of the scale of the Desert locust crisis, to provide technical and operational support to control efforts and to support the livelihoods of the most vulnerable.
Start date 21/07/2020
End date 26/07/2021
Recipient / Target Areas Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Uganda
Budget 10 000 000 USD
Project Code OSRO/GLO/020/RUS
Title Support to the promotion of sustainable soil management in the framework of the Global Soil Partnership
Abstract The implementation of the International Year of Soils plan of action contributed to awareness raising and advocacy on the importance of sustainable soil management as a contribution to the overall goal of achieving sustainable food security and provision of ecosystem services.
Start date 01/07/2015
End date 31/12/2018
Budget 1 000 000 USD
Project Code GCP /GLO/650/RUS
Title Promoting Sustainable Soil Management in the Framework of the Global Soil Partnership: Phase II
Abstract The outcome of this Second Phase project was the further strengthening of national, regional and global capacities on sustainable soil management. This contributed to the overarching outcomes of the umbrella programme, the Healthy Soils Facility (HSF).
Start date 01/01/2018
End date 30/06/2021
Budget 2 009 465 USD
Project Code GCP /GLO/853/RUS
Title Protection of agricultural livelihoods and strengthen the resilience of conflict-affected households in Aleppo governorate in Syria
Abstract This project supported 60,000 farmers and herders in Aleppo who were severely impacted by the crisis to restore their production capacity and improve their food and nutrition security. The intervention boosted the local economy and contributed to reducing poverty locally and improving the nutritional status of the targeted groups.
Start date 19/12/2018
End date 30/06/2021
Budget 3 000 000 USD
Project Code OSRO/SYR/803/RUS
Title Developing Capacity for Strengthening Food Security and Nutrition in Selected Countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia
Abstract The project aimed to increase capacity in the countries of the region to establish an enabling environment for the food security of the most vulnerable populations. Areas of work: school food and nutrition, social protection, and migration.
Start date 01/05/2016
End date 31/03/2022
Recipient / Target Areas Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan
Budget 6 143 305 USD
Project Code GCP/GLO/674/RUS