FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation

FAO shared experience in policy monitoring with Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC)

Photo: © EEC


FAO Policy Officer Dmitry Zvyagintsev contributed to a discussion held at the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) in Moscow dedicated to “Improving the efficiency of agricultural subsidies in the common agricultural market of the Eurasian Economic Union”.


The debate focused on national efforts of the member countries to ensure sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex and balanced development of the common agricultural market, which will allow each country in the Union to reap the benefits of integration, Stanislav Buben, Director of the Department of Agroindustry at EEC, underlined.

In his intervention, the FAO expert presented the best international practices in monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment of agricultural policies and programmes.

“By strengthening the institutional capacities in policy monitoring and enhancing the analytical capacities that are anchored with modern practices to evaluate the policies and conduct impact assessment, the countries contribute to the increased efficiency and effectiveness of their agricultural policies,” Dmitry Zvyagintsev