FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation

From 16 to 365 days of actions: say NO to violence against women!

©UN Women


Have you ever heard about… the 16 days of activism against Gender-Based Violence?

Today, on the Human Rights Day, is the end of the 16-day campaign, which lasted form the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November through 10 December. It aims to raise public awareness and mobilize efforts to end violence against women and girls worldwide. The campaign was first launched in 1991, and this year it celebrates its 30th anniversary with the slogan: "Orange the World: End violence against Women now!"

Gender-based violence can occur in a physical, sexual, or psychological form. One in three women and girls has experienced physical or sexual violence at least once in her life. Violence against women and girls is a human rights violation that has persisted for decades. The COVID-19 pandemic has only increased the number of women experiencing violence and has eroded their sense of security. One in four women does not feel safe at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new UN report.

"Physical and sexual violence perpetrated against women and under-age girls also remains a particularly pressing global issue," says Anna Golikova, Youth Envoy for SDG 5 in Russia.

"Violence against women is still a significant challenge. The solution to it depends both on the adoption of necessary legislative measures and the active participation and involvement of each of us. First and foremost, it is crucial to inform citizens about what violence against women represents and in what forms it can manifest itself. Effective communication is the first and the most important step needed in our society," says the youth activist.

"It seems to me that one of the most important steps in this direction is a free and honest dialogue about the issues at hand. My experience of participating in conferences and Model UN, dedicated to the SDGs, in particular, to SDG5, helped me look further into the matter and learn about laws and norms that are in force in different parts of the world as well as about what distinguishes them from the Russian realities," added the Lomonosov Moscow State University graduate in the Department of World Politics.

How to bring an end to violence against women? There is a way out: break the silence! Every time someone crosses the line, speak up. Let us turn these 16 days of activism against gender violence into 365 days of action!


#OrangeTheWorld #16Days #GenerationEquality #spreadtheword #HumanRightsDay



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