FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation

Rising global tea consumption poses challenges and opportunities for Russia: FAO expert

Photo: © FAO


The global tea industry has been registering tremendous growth. The overall increase in domestic consumption has been driven by demographic growth, faster urbanization and rising incomes and standard of living in the emerging and developing economies.

Persistence Market Research (PMR) expects the global market to expand at 5 percent at average between 2016 and 2024, reaching a value of USD 21.33 Billion.

The figures were presented at a public dialogue on “Global tea consumption: emerging trends and lessons from Russia”, held today in Sochi, Russia.

“The public dialogue assessed major trends in tea consumption, discussed factors behind the current global tea consumption renewal before underlining major characteristics of the emerging tea consumer who is more and more conscious about the history behind the sip of tea he/she enjoys,” Jean Luc Mastaki, FAO Senior Economist and Intergovernmental Group on Tea (IGG/Tea) Secretariat Member, underlined.

“The emerging consumption trends urge the tea industry to enhance transparency, value addition, product diversification and “premiumization” while fostering environmental and social sustainability,” the FAO expert noted.

New market trends are showing consumers moving away from other drinks to tea due to a wide range of innovative value added products and an increasing perception of tea as a healthy beverage. Consumption “renewal” is also driven by the increase in use of tea bags in developing and emerging markets traditionally dominated by loose leaves. Tea consumers are willing to spend more on the teas they consume with a shift towards premium products.

Young people, a major and fast growing segment of the market, are continuously searching for personal experience with a fashionable product and integrating the gourmet quality tea into their life style. The growing retail sector is innovatively catering for new preferences through a diversity of tea origins and flavours.

The modern tea consumer is more conscious than ever about making responsible choices in terms of sustainability, featuring environmental, social, economic and ethical issues in consumption choices.

Despite this trend, there is still a huge untapped potential demand in the tea market. Most countries still present low per capita consumption levels. The global tea industry needs to be proactive and understand its demand in order to aggressively develop its market.

Successful generic advertising, which shifts the demand curve outward by attracting new consumers and enticing existing consumers to increase their purchases or pay a higher price, has to be informed by a strong market intelligence at global and national levels.

“The history of tea in Russia goes back about 400 years. It arrived from China and in no time gained popularity, becoming a truly national drink for Russians. The Russian people introduced some unique and some already well-known elements to the culture of tea consumption, such as a samovar, a cup holder, tea served with lemon, and many other things. Thus, it amounted to a weighty contribution to the diversity of the tea world!” Ramaz Chanturia, Director General of the non-profit “Russian association of tea and coffee producers “Roschaykofe”, said in his speech.

Russia not only consumes tea, but also grows this culture. At the same time, Russia is one of the most northern territories where, as Ramaz Chanturia stressed, “this unique evergreen plant is industrially cultivated.”

“With extensive experience and knowledge in the field of tea, Russian tea specialists are constantly improving and offering the world market a variety of new models of development. These models are primarily aimed at preserving the value of tea in the perceptions of consumers and creating a sustainable chain of tea promotion - from plantation to consumer - with emphasis on a fair distribution of income at each stage of the tea value chain, – the head of “Roschaykofe” noted.

“The launch by Russia of a unique format of international tea competitions (Tea Masters Cup) is just one such noteworthy initiative. It has become sort of Olympic games among tea experts from around the world: 23 countries participate in the project,” Ramaz Chanturia informed the dialogue participants.

“This project stimulates the creation of a global community of tea professionals, creatively promoting the best examples of tea and world tea culture among consumers!”

The Public dialogue, organized as a side event, preceded the Intersessional Meeting of the Intergovernmental Group on Tea (IGG/Tea). The dialogue highlighted the challenges and opportunities for Russia’s tea market with emphasis on best practices to harness the benefits arising from the current upward consumption trends.