FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation

The #GenerationRestoration Eco-festival was held in Moscow


On 15 December 2021, the #GenerationRestoration ecological festival dedicated to the beginning of the Decade for Ecosystem Restoration, announced by the UN this year, was held at the Blagosfera center.

The festival was organized by RusKlimatFond together with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with the informational support of the UN Information Center.

The festival began with a press branch with UNEP, FAO, RusKlimatFond and representatives of the business sector that seek carbon neutrality through forests restoration, together with volunteers from Rosbank and SYNERGETIC company.

Welcoming remarks were made by Vladimir Kuznetsov, Director of the UN Information Center in Moscow. He called for more talk about the problems that threaten humanity in connection with the depletion of the Earth's resources. 

“The challenge of ecosystem restoration is a collective responsibility. For our part, we guarantee the most active support and we are ready to act as a platform where the efforts of governments, civil society, people of goodwill and, of course, business sector are united. In the framework of responsible business behavior, the environment-oriented actions are prioritized. For us, officials and business executives, to behave responsibly, we need to be encouraged. We call on non-profit organizations to be more active and make the highest demands on us,” he noted.

Vladimir Mikheev, Press Secretary of the FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation, spoke about the Organization's role in ecosystem restoration. He stressed that it is vital to help nature recover what we have lost and wasted – not only to feed the hungry, but also to avoid future conflicts over resources.

“If we do not learn to act in solidarity and jointly in the near future, then serious problems await us. The state of soil, land and water resources has reached critical levels. The scientific community believes that "the system is already at its limit." It faces a threefold threat: the harmful effects of climate change, environmental pollution and the loss of natural resources. We are “eating up” our resources. Today we consume them 1.6 times more than the planet is able to produce," he added.

Vladimir Moshkalo, Head of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Office in the Russian Federation, spoke about the activities that the organization plans to carry out in the following jubilee year. He drew attention to the fact that the next 10 years will be critical for ecosystem restoration. This is the time when the extinction of millions of species of flora and fauna can still be prevented, and catastrophic climate changes can be avoided.

“The vitality and diversity of the Earth's ecosystems is the basis for the health, prosperity and well-being of humankind. The loss and degradation of the natural habitats of plants and animals have brought about 1 million species to the brink of extinction. And it is up to us to decide whether to become a generation of recovery or to plunge the planet into a natural and climatic crisis,” he said.

Reforestation is one of Rosbank's eco-initiatives. Employees, together with volunteers in different regions, go out to plant trees in areas where forests have suffered from natural disasters.

“Sustainable development is one of the key elements of the new development strategy of the Rosbank Group until 2025. Whatever we do within the company or when supporting our partners, we always think about how to minimize our impact on the environment – this is one of our primary tasks, which permeates all areas of the company’s activity: from working out green financing deals, working with responsible suppliers to the construction of an innovative and sustainable office and tree planting. Today, a responsible business approach is not just a tribute to the times, it is a prerequisite for the work of any company, allowing for positive changes in the environmental agenda,” noted Elena Kozhadey, Director of Rosbank's Communications and Advertising Department.

Lyubov Vdovykh, Specialist in International and Environmental Certification of SYNERGETIC, also spoke at the press brunch, talking about the principles of the organization and about the #PlanetBreathe initiative, as a result of which 1 million trees should appear in the place of dead forests. 

“Today, every ordinary person becomes a witness of climate change – he sees them with his own eyes in his hometown, feels the impact on himself and the health of his family. This must inevitably lead to some kind of action. All strata of society: from decision-makers to consumers, coordinating their actions, have the hope that the result will still appear, and we will go beyond the boundaries of just discussing the problem. Our company is convinced that the business community bears a great responsibility for what is happening and must work proactively. We are responsible for what products to pass into the hands of a person, and how he should proceed with the packaging after, the responsibility should be extended for the entire life cycle of any product," she said.

Marianna Munteanu, President of RusKlimatFund, shared the successful experience of bringing together business, government agencies and the public to restore forests and mitigate the effects of global climate change. 

“This year alone, we have planted more than 500 thousand trees together with our partners and caring people of Russia. But we are not going to stop there. Our plan is to plant 1 billion trees in 2050," she said.

An eco-fashion show “A generation choosing an eco-future” took place at the festival. The show featured environmentally responsible brands Murkott, Ecoolska, Petrichor, Rakosi and LARONDO. 

An eco-lecture was held with the participation of “Sobirator” and Vegetarian.Ru projects and the RusKlimatFond's eco-education programme. Eco-educators elaborated on what “carbon footprint” is and why it should be reduced, as well as how to achieve Zero Waste, how to organize separate waste collection, and why we need to be conscious of everything in order to preserve life on our planet, which is still green.

Source: RusKlimatFund