SAVE FOOD: Initiative mondiale de réduction des pertes et du gaspillage alimentaires


25 Sep 2021
Izmir, Turkey - Globally, around 14 percent of food produced is lost between harvest and retail. Farmers discard a significant share of their crop due to factors ...
27 Feb 2019
Some 40 participants gathered today to discuss and validate a strategic roadmap for food loss and waste prevention and reduction in Armenia that was developed on ...
21 Feb 2019
Food waste has a high social, economic and environmental cost, but also ethical consequences as 821 million people are chronically undernourished. Thus, food waste prevention has ...
11 Jul 2017
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is engaged in policy dialogue and information exchange with the European Commission’s Directorate for General Health ...
28 Sep 2016
A new report released September 22 assesses the world’s progress toward Target 12.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which calls on all nations to halve food ...