


The collection and analysis of meteorological data is essential to ensure a proper water management. The functioning of climate sensors and meteorological stations for agricultural uses is presented.


This short video looks at how a cooperative-run Digital Village Service Centre in Lahiri Mohanpur in rural Bangladesh is promoting innovation and connectivity. Thereby transforming the lives and livelihoods of smallholder dairy farmers and processors. FAO’s global Digital Village Initiative supports inclusive, gender-sensitive rural development and sustainable agrifood systems transformation.


In Sri Lanka, FAO is building capacities of local irrigation experts to monitor water productivity, identify water productivity gaps and propose solutions to reduce these gaps with real-time data from the FAO WaPOR platform. Thereby contributing to a sustainable increase of agricultural production that benefits farmers and safeguards the environment.


创新技术可以帮助我们建立 更高效、更包容、更有韧性且更可持续的农业粮食体系 区块链技术就是这样一种新兴技术 区块链是一个去中心化的共享数据库 与传统数据库不同,区块链使用数字账本 数据同时复制分发给 计算机或服务器网络上的所有节点 因此,几乎不可能更改或篡改记录 联合国粮农组织正在利用区块链技术来确保 粮食商品的透明度、可追溯性和可持续性 以下是区块链帮助推动 农业粮食体系转型的3个例子


Highlights the centrality of science, technology and innovation for agrifood systems transformation. The event will embrace a diversity of perspectives based on science, thereby facilitating rationalization and inclusiveness of debate.


We need #innovation and #technologies to suit and work well for small-scale producers so that we leave no one behind.


How science and innovation can help achieve more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems