
The role of science for transformation of agrifood systems  

Science can play a crucial role in elucidating the complexity of agrifood systems, analyzing their performance, identifying spatial and temporal synergies and trade-offs across the different dimensions and across multiple sectors, and in designing coherent integrated policies that are urgently needed to ensure food security and nutrition for a growing population, provide livelihoods for agrifood system actors, and ensure environmental sustainability.  

Science signifies the enterprise whereby humankind, acting individually or in small or large groups, makes an organized attempt, by means of the objective study of observed phenomena and its validation through sharing of findings and data and through peer review, to discover and master the chain of causalities, relations or interactions; brings together in a coordinated form subsystems of knowledge by means of systematic reflection and conceptualization; and, thereby furnishes itself with the opportunity of using, to its own advantage, understanding of the processes and phenomena occurring in nature and society (UNESCO, 2017).

FAO’s role as neutral platform on science

Due to its unique position as a facilitator of intergovernmental processes, FAO provides an essential forum for exchange between countries and serves as an authoritative source of guidance. FAO’s Governing and Statutory Bodies provide an interface for science and policy and support the development of new codes of practice, guidelines and standards. 

FAO facilitates development of international standards and helps frame international conventions and agreements. It also hosts major conferences, technical meetings and consultations of experts. 

FAO, based on robust science and evidence, strives to enhance knowledge exchange and provide understanding of the differences of view on various scientific issues, to support constructive dialogue for greater policy coherence, shared ownership and collective action. 

FAO strives to encourage dialogues by providing neutral platforms for discussions on wide-ranging issues related to agrifood systems. The annual Science and Innovation Forum under the framework of World Food Forum is an example. 

Women in science

FAO recognizes the crucial role rural and indigenous women and girls play in agriculture and food production. By working with Members and partners, FAO seeks to redress existing inequalities to ensure equitable, inclusive and efficient agrifood systems.

The Chief Scientist team supports the Organization’s efforts to engage and increase women and girls’ participation in science and access to technology; particular attention is given to initiatives that enhance their abilities to access and benefit from scientific knowledge and solutions.

Traditional and indigenous peoples’ knowledge

Globally, Indigenous Peoples are recognized as rights and knowledge holders who keep some of the answers to make current food systems sustainable and resilient that the humanity  needs to ensure food security for all. 

Indigenous Peoples are central to the discussions on food systems, gender equity, forest governance, territorial management, collective rights, food generation, biodiversity protection and broadening of the food base. 

FAO has been working actively with Indigenous Peoples to ensure that their food and knowledge systems are recognized, respected, protected and included in programmes, projects, policies, coalitions and decision-making.   

Indigenous Peoples are central to the discussions on agrifood systems, gender equity, forest governance, territorial management, collective rights, food generation, biodiversity protection and broadening of the food base.  

FAO coordinates multistakeholder collaborations that interface across policy makers, practitioners, indigenous peoples, and academia. Through these efforts, FAO ensures that i Indigenous Peoples’ food and knowledge systems are included as important sources of innovation for inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems. 

The coalition on Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems with 11 countries, UNPFII and UN Organizations, and supported by FAO through the Secretariat and the Global-Hub on indigenous Peoples food systems, offers a space of collective work to advance policies on Indigenous Peoples’ food and knowledge systems. 

Youth in science

The United Nations defines “youth” as those persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years, without prejudice to other definitions by Member Nations. Youth account for one-sixth of the global population, and almost 88 percent of the world’s 1.2 billion youth live in low- and middle-income countries. FAO’s Rural Youth Action Plan aims to contribute to Agenda 2030 by equally empowering rural young women and men, protecting children and other excluded youth groups, with a view to strengthen youth participation in decision-making processes and access to education, decent employment and rural services. 

Launched in 2021, the World Food Forum (WFF) is an independent, youth-led global network of partners facilitated and hosted by FAO. It aims to spark a global movement that empowers young people everywhere to actively shape agrifood systems to help achieve the SDGs and a better food future for all.  

Central to the WFF's mission is a strong emphasis on youth-led science and innovation, championed by its Young Scientists Group (YSG), an independent collective of scientists under the age of 35 that offers the Forum science-based insights and guidance. Moreover, through its Innovation Lab, the WFF empowers young innovators from around the world to find ground-breaking solutions and scientific approaches to support and enhance the transformation of our agrifood systems. This consists of hands-on competitions for students, young professionals and up-and-coming entrepreneurs – including research challenges, startup challenges, incubation and acceleration initiatives, bootcamps and networking events.  

The main activities include: 

  • Transformative Research Challenge: a research competition to provide young researchers with mentoring and visibility to help them advance knowledge and translate their ideas into tangible solutions; 
  • Start-Up Innovation Awards: a startup competition co-founded with Extreme Tech Challenge to support and showcase innovators and entrepreneurs who are harnessing the power of technology to drive the sustainable transformation of agrifood systems; and 
  • Youth Food Lab: an incubation programme co-founded with Wageningen University and Research and the International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences (IAAS) to transfer idea-stage solutions into  real business models. 


Academia and Research Institutions

Partnerships and alliances with scientists, research organizations and universities are crucial for FAO to fulfil its vision of a world free from hunger. The science on which solutions to current challenges posed by, inter alia, climate change, biodiversity loss and sub-optimal agrifood systems is complex and requires the participation of individuals and agencies with specialized knowledge. 

The Chief Scientist is well positioned to identify and facilitate effective and transformative partnerships and coalitions to ensure that FAO bases its work on the most reliable information and maximizes progress for more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems that address inequalities and leave no one behind. 

FAO signed partnership agreements with three institutions - CAB International (CABI), the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), and the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) at the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023. With a specific focus on harnessing science, technology and innovation to enhance global food security, the three partnerships will all support agrifood systems transformation and accelerate progress on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

These collaborative agreements signed by FAO highlight the pivotal role of FAO partnerships with academia and intergovernmental organizations in advancing sustainable agrifood systems. By bridging the gap between knowledge and practical application, these collaborations contribute to the development and implementation of innovative solutions in the agrifood systems sector. 

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