SDG Indicators Data Portal

National trainings on “SDG indicator 5.a.1 and its implementation in the Western Balkan countries”

03/04/2024 - 04/07/2024

From April to July 2024, FAO organized a series of national trainings on “SDG indicator 5.a.1 and its implementation in the Western Balkan countries”, in cooperation with the German Development Cooperation (GIZ).

Background and objectives

As a follow up to the Regional Round Table "Empowerment of rural women and implementation of SDG indicator 5.a.1 in the Western Balkans", which was held in Rome in October 2023, a series of national trainings for representatives of National Statistical Offices and Ministries of Agriculture were held with the following objectives: 

  • present the methodology for data collection at the national level;
  • foster a comprehensive knowledge base pertaining to the computation of the indicator and the proficient utilization of its estimates, as well as other gender-disaggregated data, in formulating national policies.


  • North Macedonia (Skopje): 3-4 April  
  • Serbia and Montenegro (Belgrade): 14-15 May 
  • Albania and Kosovo (Tirana): 12-13 June
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo): 3-4 July 

Target group:

  • Representatives of Ministry of Agriculture
  • Representatives of National Statistical Offices and experts


  • English language with translation into local language

List of documents

North Macedonia (Skopje):

(3-4 April)  

  • Agenda (English)
  • MASKAT Presentation | Developed module for collecting data for SDG 5.a.1. indicator in the Republic of North Macedonia (English)
  • GIZ Presentation | Empowering rural women in the Western Balkans: Where we stand? (English)
  • FAO Presentation | Indicator 5.a.1: Women's and men's land rights (EnglishMacedonian)
  • Survey Module for Agricultural Surveys (English | Macedonian
  • Job Aid Parcel Survey Module Scenario 1 (English | Macedonian)
  • Job Aid Individual Survey Module (English | Macedonian)

Serbia and Montenegro (Belgrade):

(14-15 May) 

  • Agenda (English)
  • Presentation | Sustainable development Goals in the Republic of Serbia and the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (English)
  • Presentation | Empowering rural women in the Western Balkans: Where we stand? (English)
  • FAO Presentation | Indicator 5.a.1: Women's and men's land rights (English| Serbian)
  • Survey Module for Agricultural Surveys (English | Serbian
  • Job Aid Parcel Survey Module Scenario 1 (English)
  • Job Aid Individual Survey Module (English | Serbian)

Albania and Kosovo (Tirana):

(12-13 June)

  • Agenda (English | Albanian)
  • GIZ Presentation | Empowering rural women in the Western Balkans: Where we stand? (Albanian)
  • FAO Presentation | Indicator 5.a.1: Women's and men's land rights (English)
  • Survey Module for Agricultural Surveys (English | Albanian
  • Job Aid Parcel Survey Module Scenario 1 (English)
  • Job Aid Individual Survey Module (English)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo):

(3-4 July) 

  • Agenda (English
  • BHAS Presentation | Developed modules for SDG 5.a.1 implementation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (English)
  • GIZ Presentation | Empowering rural women in the Western Balkans: Where we stand? (English)
  • FAO Presentation | Indicator 5.a.1: Women's and men's land rights (English | Bosnian)
  • Survey Module for Agricultural Surveys (English |  Bosnian
  • Job Aid Individual Survey Module (English | Bosnian)



Veronica Boero and Yonca Gurbuzer 

(Technical focal points)