Technical Cooperation Programme

Introduction text...
Title Kenya - Strengthening the Institutional Capacities for Sustainable Management of Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) in Sub-Saharan Africa 
Abstract In recent years, solar-powered irrigation has become increasingly attractive to countries as a reliable, clean-energy solution for agricultural water management...(more)
Start date 19/10/2017
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 335000$
Project Code TCP/RAF/3613
Title Micronesia - Aquaculture Business Investment Planning and Development to Increase Resilience and Improve Food Security 
Abstract Aquaculture has been identified by many Pacific Island governments as a sector with strong potential to innovate, reap productivity gains, generate employment and contribute to regional food and nutrition security and livelihood diversification..(more)
Start date 16/10/2017
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 499000$
Project Code TCP/SAP/3603
Title Nauru - Aquaculture Business Investment Planning and Development to Increase Resilience and Improve Food Security 
Abstract Aquaculture has been identified by many Pacific Island governments as a sector with strong potential to innovate, reap productivity gains, generate employment and contribute to regional food and nutrition security and livelihood diversification..(more)
Start date 16/10/2017
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 499000$
Project Code TCP/SAP/3603
Title Marshall Islands - Aquaculture Business Investment Planning and Development to Increase Resilience and Improve Food Security 
Abstract Aquaculture has been identified by many Pacific Island governments as a sector with strong potential to innovate, reap productivity gains, generate employment and contribute to regional food and nutrition security and livelihood diversification..(more)
Start date 16/10/2017
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 499000$
Project Code TCP/SAP/3603
Title Palau - Aquaculture Business Investment Planning and Development to Increase Resilience and Improve Food Security 
Abstract Aquaculture has been identified by many Pacific Island governments as a sector with strong potential to innovate, reap productivity gains, generate employment and contribute to regional food and nutrition security and livelihood diversification..(more)
Start date 16/10/2017
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 499000$
Project Code TCP/SAP/3603
Title Support for the management of the Fall armyworm in Zimbabwe
Abstract Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is one of the most important pests of maize production worldwide. It is a highly polyphagous migratory species that can colonize over 80 different plant species from 26 families...(more)
Start date 04/10/2017
End date 30/06/2019
Budget 278000$
Project Code TCP/ZIM/3605
Title Emergency Assistance in Support of Food Security Recovery of Drought-Affected Communitie
Abstract The Republic of the Marshall Islands has historically faced numerous challenges with regard to the accessibility of consistent water supplies. In 2015/16, an estimated 21 000 people were affected by severe drought...(more)  
Start date 01/10/2017
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 245000$
Project Code TCP/MAS/3601
Title Improving Fertilizer Utilization and Agricultural Ecological Environment in Xinjiang
Abstract Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China has exceptionally good conditions for developing organic farming, with rich resources of water, land and...(more)
Start date 01/10/2017
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 205000$
Project Code TCP/CPR/3607
Title Support for the Formulation of Projects for Strengthening Markets and Rural Transformation (Smart) Initiatives In Punjab, Pakistan
Abstract In Pakistan, the agriculture sector accounts for 19.8 percent of the gross domestic product and engages 42.3 percent of the labour force...(more)
Start date 01/10/2017
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 300000$
Project Code TCP/PAK/3603
Title Technical assistance for management of Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J.E Smith) in South Sudan
Abstract There is widespread instability and food insecurity across South Sudan, where conflict has been ongoing since 2013. As of July 2017, 6 million people were in need of food assistance, the largest number of food-insecure people ever reported in the country...(more)
Start date 01/10/2017
End date 30/09/2019
Budget 266000$
Project Code TCP/SSD/3603
Title Support for sea buckthorn cultivation and processing in Samjiyon County, DPR Korea
Abstract The Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea attaches high priority to improving food security and people’s livelihoods, while supporting the sustainability of natural resources that are vital for food and agriculture...(more)
Start date 22/09/2017
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 324000$
Project Code TCP/DRK/3606
Title Establishment of a community based Fall armyworm monitoring system in Somalia
Abstract In early 2016, a severe outbreak of the fall armyworm (FAW) was reported in southern and eastern Africa. Given the tendency of FAW to migrate long distances, it was only a matter of time before the populations from either Kenya or Ethiopia reached Somalia...(more)
Start date 11/09/2017
End date 31/08/2018
Budget 204000$
Project Code TCP/SOM/3604
Title Strengthening Agricultural Infrastructure Services with the context of Global Soil Partnership
Abstract Soil is an important resource and a vital part of the natural environment. The ever-increasing global population and subsequent rise in the need for food and land puts pressure on soil...(more)
Start date 01/09/2017
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 163000$
Project Code TCP/TUR/3603
Title Viet Nam - Emergency Assistance to Strengthen Regional Response in the Management of Yellow-Spined Bamboo Locust (Ceracris Kiangsu)
Abstract Outbreaks of Yellow-Spined Bamboo Locust (YSBL) in Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Viet Nam were damaging many crops in these countries, causing severe losses..(more)
Start date 01/09/2017
End date 31/10/2018
Budget 286000$
Project Code TCP/RAS/3607
Title Lao People's Democratic Republic- Emergency Assistance to Strengthen Regional Response in the Management of Yellow-Spined Bamboo Locust (Ceracris Kiangsu)
Abstract Outbreaks of Yellow-Spined Bamboo Locust (YSBL) in Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Viet Nam were damaging many crops in these countries, causing severe losses..(more)
Start date 01/09/2017
End date 31/10/2018
Budget 286000$
Project Code TCP/RAS/3607
Title Improve competitiveness and increase Postharvest Value Chain of Small Holders Farmers
Abstract The United Republic of Tanzania is a low-income rural economy, with most citizens participating in agriculture for household income generation. Agriculture represents about 23 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and 30 percent of export earnings, and employs 66.9 percent of the working population...(more)
Start date 01/09/2017
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 417000$
Project Code TCP/URT/3604
Title Capacity Building for the Management of Small-Pelagic Fisheries in Eritrea
Abstract Eritrea’s agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors account for 17 percent of the country’s annual gross domestic product (GDP), but the fisheries sub-sector only contributes 18 percent of this value...(more)
Start date 01/09/2017
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 352000$
Project Code TCP/ERI/3606
Title Asistencia Técnica para la creación de condiciones favorables para la implementación de la Ley SSAN y del ODS2 en la República Dominicana
Abstract La República Dominicana es uno de los países que ha avanzado notablemente hacia la erradicación del hambre, al reducir tanto su porcentaje como el número total de personas subalimentadas a menos de la mitad...(more)
Start date 01/09/2017
End date 01/11/2018
Budget 99000$
Project Code TCP/DOM/3607
Title Strengthening capacity for providing plant and animal health services in Dominica
Abstract Dominica is faced by a number of challenges in achieving and sustaining its development agenda. These include the relatively small, open economic base and high exposure to the impacts of natural disasters...(more)
Start date 01/09/2017
End date 31/08/2019
Budget 162000$
Project Code TCP/DMI/3601
Title Projet d’appui à la filière fruits dans les zones vulnérables des départements de la grande anse et du Sud
Abstract Dans le but de renforcer la résilience des petits producteurs agricoles dans un contexte de forte vulnérabilité aux catastrophes naturelles...(more)
Start date 01/09/2017
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 350000$
Project Code TCP/HAI/3605