FAO and UN System Partnerships

Our Partners

© FAO/Eduardo Soteras

Partnerships with the UN system are at the front and centre of the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-2031. Through our numerous collaborations, FAO leverages the comparative advantages of sister UN agencies to enhance impact and effectiveness. As such, we are committed to implementing transformative partnerships that will make a real difference to people’s lives and help to achieve the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.  

We have in place over 40 partnerships across the UN system and the concept of transformative partnerships is being integrated into our renewed bilateral partnerships and multi-partner coalitions. FAO's partnerships are transformative when they deliver sustainable outcome(s) through systemic, long-term and disruptive action; when they catalyze impact at scale; and when all partners invest complementary resources (technical, financial, human, or knowledge) to create value beyond what FAO could achieve operating alone. 

Explore our transformative partnerships further by clicking on the logos below.


Transformative partnerships with our UN partners are essential to achieving FAO’s four betters: better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life.