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During the last mission (November - December 1988), a new topographical survey was organized in order to confirm the preliminary survey of August 1988. The new map was received by the Consultants in January 1989 and showed substantial discrepancies on comparison with the former map. Site levels were accurately measured and were approximately 0.70 m higher than those -previously assumed in the detailed design. On the basis of this, the Consultants advised that further calculations and plans for earth works be stopped until the Consultants made a further mission.

During the present mission, most of the detailed drawings had to be modified, mainly in terms of the project levels. The project's entire hydraulic system was completely revised, thus substantially changing the specifications to be given to the engineer involved in the earth works. The preparation of this part of the project design had to be completed after the Consultants' mission had ended.


An in-depth revision of the design of the sea-dykes was carried out. Detailed drawings and calculations did not wholly respect the specifications supplied by the Consultants and the design was very conservative in terms of protection against the filling-up of the inlet channel. The estimated budget therefore reached 640 million T.L. and was reduced, after revision, to 395 million T.L. Final drawings had almost been completed by the end of the Consultants' mission.


Calculations and drawings had been prepared according to the specifications previously given to the Turkish engineers. Only the project levels had to be modified, reflecting the new topographical data, in most drawings. Soil analyses, to determine the carrying capacity (σ), will have to be carried out before construction begins at the location of the civil engineering works.


Minor changes were made in the lay-out of the hatchery and some additional specifications were given during the revision of the detailed design, to the engineers involved (civil, mechanical and electrical engineers). The detailed design of the complete engineering works needed for the service building and general systems (freshwater distribution; electric power supply, outdoor electrical plant; lightning conductor) was also completed.


A set of 89 drawings was prepared which completely replaces the previous set of 30 prepared during the last mission. A list of drawings is given in Appendix 2. All the drawings which have been changed during the mission keep the same number used in the former set with the addition of the letter “A”. Any further modifications in the drawings should lead to the modified drawing being substituted and the identification number being changed only by the addition of the progressive letter of the alphabet (A, B, C etc.). Drawings regarding earth works and sea-dykes are still in the preparative stage and will be added to this set later.

The Turkish engineers had also prepared detailed bills of quantities and costs regarding work and equipment necessary for the implementation of the project. All the documentation has been collated by the National Project Coordinator. Costs were estimated by the Consultants and a new cost estimate was prepared for the implementation of the project (see Section 3.5).

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