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A 1989 work plan for the implementation of the project was prepared during the course of the mission, in accordance with the expected 1989 budget (2–2.5 billion T.L.). The main aim of the work plan has been to reach fish production as soon as feasibly possible, beginning with fry production during the next reproduction season (December 1989 - March 1990). For the hatchery to be completed and operational before that date, the following work has to be implemented:

  1. the construction of sea-dykes for marine water inlet

  2. the digging of a sea water inlet channel and main reservoir

  3. the preparation of the hatchery earth platform

  4. the construction of the hatchery building

  5. the assembly of the hatchery plants, systems and equipment

  6. the supplying of electricity and putting a generator into operation.

These are the minimum strictly necessary for the hatchery to become operational; even though only under provisional conditions:

3.2 1989 WORK PLAN

The 1989 work plan proposed by the Consultants is given in Appendix 3. The work plan calls for the earliest possible expropriation; budget allocation and work assignment procedures in order that sea-dyke construction and earth works can start within May 1989. The dykes should be completed within three to four months. On starting the earth works; priority should be given to the preparation of the hatchery platform so that construction of the hatchery can begin before June 1989. The installation of heating; air conditioning; electrical and piping systems should start as soon as progress on the civil engineering works allows for it and installation should be completed within 2–3 months; at the same time ensuring that priority is given to the hatchery units involved in the initial operation (spawning; phyto-zooplancton culture).

The equipment has already been identified and detailed specifications for orders have been sent to both U.N.D.P./FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture so that it can be supplied punctually.

Broodstock should be collected as soon as possible; starting during the summer and be kept in provisional facilities; to be determined (cages; enclosures; sea water reservoir; ponds). Breeders should then be selected and transferred to the spawning tanks as soon as these become available and operational.


A budget estimate has been prepared for the implementation of the project in 1989 on the basis of the major work plan described above (see Appendix 4). The budget has been estimated on the basis of:

The 1989 budget required from the Government of Turkey amounts to 1,658 million T.L. for work and equipment to be purchased in Turkey in addition to the equivalent of 354.000 US $ for imported equipment. The cost of the remaining equipment needed for the hatchery will be borne by the UNDP contribution (112,000 US $).

During the meeting held in Ankara on the 6th March, the Ministry of Agriculture released official figures for the 1989 budget allocation. The budget has been allocated as follows:

  1. 650 million T.L., minus 11.5% = 575 million T.L. for work

  2. 420 million T.L., minus 11.5% = 372 million T.L. for equipment

In addition, a certain quota of the budget will be allocated to the Ministry of Transport directly for the construction of the sea-dykes (Directorate of Harbours, Antalya).

The two main comments that can be made after this meeting are:

  1. these figures, included in a written document, had not been entirely transmitted to the Field Project Coordinator (Mr. Atila), who only had approximate figures, some of which were different from those found in the written document

  2. this budget is substantially lower (by about 50%) than that proposed by the August 1988 mission (1,640 million T.L. + 1 year's inflation allowance) and that proposed by the Government of Turkey during a meeting held in Ankara on the 12th December 1988 (2–2.5 billion T.L.).

During the same meeting, a decision was then taken to prepare a new proposal based on the following assumptions:

  1. the budget required for the construction of the sea-dyke for the water inlet would be entirely allocated to the Ministry of Transport (estimated cost 259 million T.L. + allowance for inflation)

  2. the same priority work plan should be followed

  3. the expenditure should respect the budget made available by the Ministry of Agriculture.

A new proposal has been prepared and was presented to the Turkish counterpart during a further meeting on the 7th March. In order to reduce expenditure, a new target has been proposed which reduces the production capacity of the hatchery by 50% which, in turn; reduces the amount of equipment to be purchased (see Appendix 5). This solution does, however, call for the establishment of the other work involved in the building of the sea-dykes; water inlet; electricity supply and construction of the whole hatchery building (see Appendix 6).

The budget required from the Ministry of Agriculture then becomes:

This additional sum could become the object of a budget revision (as proposed by the Turkish counterpart) which should occur as soon as possible in order that the last part of the expenditure could be met without delaying the implementation of the project, in accordance with the 1989 work plan.


A work plan has been outlined for the implementation of the project (see Appendix A8) taking into consideration the priorities proposed for 1989. After completion of the hatchery in 1989, priority in 1990, should be given to the construction and putting into operation of the brackish water channel, the main pumping station (with four of the 6 pumps installed) and the fish fry rearing tanks. The remainder of the intensive rearing sector should be completed in 1990, as well as the service building and personnel/training facilities. In 1991, the rest of the farm should be implemented which will consist mainly of the semi-intensive rearing ponds. The construction of the Lagoon mouth channel and the sea-dykes outlet should also take place in 1991.

This work plan gives first priority to the main farm production which consists of intensive rearing of sea bass. By following this work plan; the first marketable fish should be available in the summer of 1991 and the whole production deriving from the first hatchery crop (1989/1990) could be sold before the end of 1991. The Centre's Training Programme should be carried out during the same period and should be based on the production activity of the farm. The fish barrier should also be established in 1990 in order to improve lagoon production as soon as possible.


This new estimate of the project costs has been based mainly on the calculations made by the engineers during the drawing up of the detailed design and; for some special equipment, on the estimates made by the Consultants. All investment costs given in Appendix 9 are based on late 1988 prices and appropriate inflation allowances should be applied to cover the expected implementation time.

The total investment; excluding those facilities for personnel and training; amounts to 4,823 million T.L. The difference between this up-to-date figure and the estimate made during the August 1988 appraisal mission (2,900 million T.L. and based on early 1988 prices) is due mainly to the high rate of inflation to be found in Turkey (currently running at about 80% p.a.).

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