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  1. To complete order procedures for U.N.D.P. equipment contribution (see Section 4.2)

  2. To recruit Senior Advisor; Ruggero Guidastri; from the beginning of September 1989

  3. To organize a preceding mission (3–4 weeks) by R. Guidastri in July 1989 to assist in the co-ordination of project implementation (see Terms of Reference; Appendix 12)

  4. To recruit required Consultants (hatchery specialist and phyto-zooplancton expert) according to the findings and recommendations which will result from the next missions (see Appendix 14)

  5. To organize 2–3 week mission on the part of R. Vétillart (once a year) and L. Berg (twice a year) to assist the Project Coordinator and Senior Advisor in the supervision of the construction; control and organization of Project implementation

  6. To recruit; if the starting date of the hatchery operation is respected according to the work plan; the hatchery specialist (6 months) and the phyto-zooplancton expert (2 months). The starting dates of the missions will be established by the Senior Advisor; possibly during his July mission

  7. To organize (if possible; due to the advanced date); a 1 - month training session for two Turkish trainees; possibly in a hatchery using technology similar to the Beymelek Project. Training should take place before the end of the present production season; i.e. in May/June.


  1. To implement all the required inputs (completion of expropriation procedure; budget allocation to the executive agency; assignment of work, to name only the main ones), so that construction work can start in May 1989 thus respecting the proposed 1989 work plan

  2. To start procedures for the ordering of equipment to be purchased by the Ministry of Agriculture; priority being given to that equipment which must be imported (see Section 4.3). Before effecting orders, final offers for supplies should be reviewed by FAO

  3. To recruit all personnel needed during the construction phase and make all facilities and necessary equipment available on the project site (see Appendix 13)

  4. To assign two candidates for the 1 - month training session as soon as possible. The trainees should be the members of staff who will be responsible for the phyto-zooplancton unit and hatchery management respectively

  5. To provide, as soon as possible; a budget revision and allow for an additional budget allocation in time to complete the construction of the hatchery (estimated minimum cost: 250 million T.L.)

  6. To give maximum flexibility and autonomy for budget management on the project site

  7. To furnish the fullest information, within the shortest time; to the Field Project Coordinator (Mr. O. Atila) and Senior Advisor (R. Guidastri) concerning all decisions taken in Ankara and the progress of any and all procedures with respect to the implementation of the project (budget allocation, expropriation, equipment orders, assignment of personnel, training programmes, etc.).

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