Table A.2(a) Revised and more recent data on per caput food supplies for direct human consumption by country group

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  Calories/day All cereals, including milled rice (kg/year)
1988/90* 1988/90 1991 1992 1988/90* 1988/90 1991 1992
World 2697 2707 2696 2719 164 165 164 166
All developing countries 2474 2494 2511 2542 170 171 170 173
93 Developing countries 2470 2490 2506 2538 170 172 171 173
Sub-Saharan Africa 2098 2057 2038 2043 114 114 110 111
Near East/North Africa 3010 3005 2946 2950 213 213 207 209
East Asia 2597 2606 2670 2692 200 199 202 202
South Asia 2215 2274 2259 2338 156 161 156 164
Latin America and Caribbean 2689 2717 2749 2747 129 132 132 133
Developed countries 3404 3382 3297 3304 146 146 146 146
Western Europe 3468 3475 3466 3470 134 134 131 131
EC-12 3483 3492 3498 3503 131 131 127 127
Other Western Europe 3376 3370 3269 3272 153 155 157 157
Eastern Europe and former USSR 3381 3352 3060 3066 172 173 174 175
North America 3604 3591 3635 3670 124 126 128 129
Others 3014 2937 3060 3066 153 149 147 142

* Used in this study.

Table A.3 Cereals sector data (all cereals, including rice in milled form)
Table A.3 (continued)


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