Table A.4.6 Sorghum: area, yield and production (countries with more than 10000ha sorghum)

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  Area (harvested) '000 ha Yield (kg/ha) Production ('000 tonnes)
1969/71 1979/81 1989/91 1969/71 1979/81 1989/91 1969/71 1979/81 1989/91
Latin America and Carib. 3518 4438 3438 2034 2793 2688 7155 12394 9241
Argentina 1979 1866 653 1932 3023 2947 3823 5641 1923
Bolivia 0 5 15 0 4059 3946 0 21 58
Brazil 1 81 158 2222 2128 1543 2 172 244
Colombia 64 220 256 2 407 2 223 2 878 153 488 737
Costa Rica 7 20 2 1631 1806 2067 11 35 3
Dominican Republic 4 6 10 3553 2983 2564 14 18 26
El Salvador 121 126 124 1 186 1 152 1272 144 145 158
Guatemala 50 39 56 916 2036 1519 46 80 84
Haiti 214 158 122 981 762 743 210 121 90
Honduras 36 61 73 1271 809 982 46 49 71
Mexico 930 1 491 1 607 2 767 3 347 3 172 2 573 4 991 5 096
Nicaragua 56 51 48 1016 1561 1546 57 80 74
Panama 0 9 11 0 2149 2457 0 19 26
Paraguay 4 7 1 9 1256 1278 1244 5 9 24
Peru 4 14 9 3056 3324 3188 11 46 27
Uruguay 42 56 31 1259 2018 2479 53 112 76
Venezuela 4 227 243 1333 1605 2123 5 365 516
Developed countries 6754 6474 5051 3100 3333 3388 20934 21576 17114
Western Europe 119 134 117 3411 4481 4839 405 601 568
EC-12 112 129 114 3498 4580 4922 393 589 561
France 55 75 70 3 709 4 436 4 577 203 332 320
Italy 5 14 24 3104 5127 5545 15 73 134
Spain 46 38 19 3681 4736 5559 168 181 105
Eastern Europe 34 49 50 1 414 1 635 1 725 48 81 85
Albania 24 25 24 1 112 1 200 1 173 27 30 29
Hungary 1 7 18 1625 3041 2888 1 22 52
Romania 2 17 7 1 130 1 659 681 3 28 5
Former USSR 43 90 120 1 425 1 189 1 136 62 107 136
North America 5820 5273 4055 3318 3633 3703 19314 19157 15017
United States 5820 5273 4055 3318 3633 3703 19314 19157 15017
Others 738 928 709 1 499 1 757 1 845 1 106 1 630 1 308
Australia 374 549 461 1 910 1 976 2 126 713 1 084 980
South Africa 358 377 248 1 050 1 434 1 320 376 540 327

Note: Data are shown only for countries which ID at least one of the three-year averages shown (1969/71, 1979/81, 1989/91) had 10000 ha or more of harvested land allocated to sorghum. The data are after the revision of the production of the former USSR from bunker to clean weight (see Table 3.17).

Table A.5 Land with rainfed crop production potential: 91 developing countries ('000 ha)
Table A.5 (continued)

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