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14 List of Tables

Table 1:    Palm stem data (at 60 years of age)

Table 2:    Mechanical properties of coconut wood, 12 % me

Table 3:    End-uses for coconut wood

Table 4:    Design guidelines for industrially manufactured products

Table 5:    Data on circular sawmill for coconut wood conversion

Table 6:    Daily recovery rate from circular sawmills

Table 7:    Technical data of different saws

Table 8:    Advantages and disadvantages of different saws

Table 9:    Comparison of cutting steels

Table 10:   Coconut wood deflection chart

Table 11:   Formulas for moisture content assessment

Table 12:   Recommended sticker sizes (mm) and distribution

Table 13:   Air-drying time for coconut sawn timber (to 18 – 19 %) in weeks

Table 14:   Kiln atmospheric conditions for 50 mm boards

Table 15:   Kiln atmospheric conditions for boards 25 mm and thinner (from green)

Table 16:   Kiln-drying schedule for pre-air-dried coconut sawn timber, 50 mm, initial moisture content 40 – 50 %

Table 17:   Kiln-drying schedule for fresh coconut sawn timber, 25 mm

Table 18:   Advantages and disadvantages of drying methods

Table 19:   Soaking time for hot and cold bath (water/CCA)

Table 20:   Preservation schedule

Table 21:   Cutting speeds for solid wood

Table 22:   Tolerances on the machine

Table 23:   Tool construction types

Table 24:   Tool tolerances

Table 25:   Favourable values for feed per tooth fz (= length of cutting marks) when circular sawing coconut palm wood

Table 26:   TCT circular saw blades for machining coconut palm wood

Table 27:   Circular saw machines and their application

Table 28:   Technical data for circular sawing Cocos n. parallel and perpendicular to the grain

Table 29:   Machining coconut palm wood with band-saw blades

Table 30:   Technical data for band-sawing

Table 31:   Surface quality

Table 32:   Cutting angles when planing and moulding coconut palm wood with TC blades

Table 33:   Planing machines and their application

Table 34:   Technical data for planing

Table 35:   Tool angle when shaping coconut palm wood with TC knives

Table 36:   Machines for shaping/moulding

Table 37:   Technical data for moulding

Table 38:   Technical data for shaping

Table 39:   Technical data for sanding

Table 40:   Tool angles when mortising and tenoning coconut palm wood with TC blades

Table 41:   Technical data for mortise and tenon cutting with slot and tenon cutters

Table 42:   Technical data for (straight) longitudinal turning

Table 43:   Sawing - Parallel and perpendicular to the grain in Cocos n.

Table 44:   Narrow band-sawing

Table 45:   Planing

Table 46:   Moulding/profiling

Table 47:   Shaping/moulding

Table 48:   Sanding

Table 49:   Mortising and tenoning with slot and tenon cutters

Table 50:   Straight lathe-turning

Table 51:   Model of a cash-flow analysis

Table 52:   Calculation of manufacturing costs (Output: 950 m3 s.t. p.a)

Table 53:   Processing costs per product type

Table 54:   Plan for cash-flow analysis and internal rate of return (IRR)

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