Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission



This document reviews the need for strengthening the role of regional fishery bodies in Asia-Pacific. Rapid fisheries development is taking place in the region resulting in the depletion of many fish stocks. Regional bodies should be provided with proper mandates to ensure the environmental sustainability of fisheries resources. As for APFIC, the meeting suggested that it concentrate its activities in three subregions, namely, the Yellow Sea, the South China Sea and the Bay of...


Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) - report of the APFIC special session, Rome, Italy, 17 February 1999 and report of the ad hoc legal and financial working group Bangkok, Thailand, 6-8 July 1999 At the Twenty-sixth Session of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) held in Beijing, People’s Republic of China, 24-30 September 1998, the Commission reviewed the activities and achievements of APFIC during its half century of existence (1948-1998). It was recognized that these activities had...


International cooperation in fisheries does not constitute a recent and novel development in the history of relations among nations. Already in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries several treaties were concluded with a view to solving, among other things, problems which, at that time, were mainly related to fishing rights, the safety of fishing vessels, rescue operations, and access to foreign ports. However, it was not until the twentieth century that States found it necessary...