FAO and EU Partnership

Title Global Network Against Food Crises Partnership Programme - Risk Analysis (EWEA) - GCP/GLO/954/EC
Abstract The overall impact of the programme will be "to enhance resilience to food crises".
Start date 28/07/2018
End date 27/12/2022
Budget USD 3 581 796
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/GLO/954/EC
Title Boosting Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change - OSRO/SOM/212/EC
Abstract To contribute to increasing systemic resilience to climate change and food crises and to foster inclusive economic growth (impact statement by the EU in the BREACH Programme).
Start date 01/02/2023
End date 31/01/2026
Recipient / Target Areas Somalia
Budget USD 8 580 285
Donor European Union
Project Code OSRO/SOM/212/EC
Title Building capacity in Southern Africa to enable effective disaster risk management through regional systems for inter-agency anticipatory action using a multi-hazard, multi-sectoral approach, MOZAMBIQUE - ZIMBABWE - UNJP/SFS/200/EC
Abstract Robust multi-actor and multi-sectoral frameworks for Anticipatory Action (AA) coordination are established and AA operations are carried out in a harmonized manner reducing hazard impact on humanitarian sectors.
Start date 01/12/2022
End date 30/11/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Mozambique, Zimbabwe
Budget USD 772 316
Donor European Union
Project Code UNJP/SFS/200/EC
Title Suriname Agriculture Market Access Project (SAMAP) - GCP/SUR/003/EC
Abstract "The Suriname Agriculture Market Access Project (SAMAP) will enhance sustainable agricultural development, for inclusive growth and employment. The main impact indicator is to increase the level of assets/income of targeted smallholders by at least 15% in real terms. SAMAP specific objective aims at increased, more competitive and safer production of selected crops through an enabling environment and enhanced capacities of private sector and institutions."
Start date 01/01/2018
End date 31/12/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Suriname
Budget USD 15 138 559
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/SUR/003/EC
Title Sustainable Intensification of Smallholder Farming Systems in Zambia (SIFAZ) - GCP/ZAM/080/EC
Abstract To improve sustainable and climate smart crop production and land management practices.
Start date 01/08/2019
End date 31/01/2027
Recipient / Target Areas Zambia
Budget USD 35 160 410
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/ZAM/080/EC
Title Enhanced Resilience for Vulnerable Households in Zimbabwe (ERVHIZ) - UNJP/ZIM/033/EC
Abstract To contribute to the well being of households in vulnerable situations in the face of economic and climate induced shocks and stresses in Zimbabwe.
Start date 01/01/2021
End date 31/08/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Zimbabwe
Budget USD 9 648 008
Donor European Union
Project Code UNJP/ZIM/033/EC
Title EU-FAO Digital Land Governance Programme (DLGP) - GCP/KEN/111/EC
Abstract DPGL will endeavour to realize improved land governance and livelihoods prosperity as the key ingredient for the attainment of Kenya?s Vision 2030 which aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrialising, ?middle-income country providing a high quality life to all its people by the year 2030.
Start date 01/04/2022
End date 31/03/2027
Recipient / Target Areas Kenya
Budget USD 22 522 523
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/KEN/111/EC
Title Scaling-up the sustainable management of the Fall Armyworm in Africa, the Near East and Asia - GCP/GLO/220/EC
Abstract Global, regional, national coordination on FAW sustainable management enhanced. Crop yield losses caused by FAW are reduced. Risk of further introduction and spread of FAW to new areas reduced.
Start date 20/01/2021
End date 31/10/2024
Budget USD 4 778 973
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/GLO/220/EC
Title STREAM Mongolia: SusTainable Resilient Ecosystem and Agriculture Management in Mongolia - GCP/MON/024/EC
Abstract Overall Objective: Mongolian communities have increased capacity to implement innovative and sustainable long-term landscape management to address food system challenges and climate stresses.
Start date 01/05/2021
End date 30/04/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Mongolia
Budget USD 1 794 135
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/MON/024/EC
Title Strengthening Fisheries Management Regional Processes in the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic Region - GCP/RAF/522/EC
Abstract FAO established the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) to promote the sustainable use of living marine resources within its area of jurisdiction, through the proper management and development of fisheries and fishing operations. The Scientific Sub-Committee (SSC) supports the CECAF in reviewing the outcomes and recommendations of the fisheries working groups, to formulate scientific advice for improved management and recommendations for future actions.
Start date 01/01/2021
End date 31/12/2022
Budget USD 205 900
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/RAF/522/EC