FAO and EU Partnership

Title Integración socio económica para la paz en Colombia - GCP/COL/101/EC
Abstract El conflicto armado de Colombia, prorrogado durante más de cinco décadas, ha afectado negativamente a las expectativas de vida de la población. Mediante proyectos de integración socio cultural y comunitaria en busca de la paz, se consiguió disminuir las tensiones y un crecimiento social y económico en regiones muy pobres y vulnerables al conflicto.
Start date 01/05/2018
End date 30/06/2021
Recipient / Target Areas Colombia
Budget USD 2 479 600
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/COL/101/EC
Title Generating Renewable Energy and Creating Green Jobs to Improve Livelihoods for Refugees and Host Communities in MAFRAQ Governorate - GCP/JOR/017/EC
Abstract Jordan has been severely impacted by the crisis in the neighbouring Syrian Arab Republic, with Mafraq Governorate in particular hosting one of the largest populations of Syrian refugees. The project aimed to enhance the economic growth potential of the local economy of Mafraq, and particularly of Zaatari municipality, through an innovative intervention promoting private sector enterprise development and stimulating the creation of decent green jobs in an environmentally sustainable manner.
Start date 01/01/2016
End date 30/06/2021
Recipient / Target Areas Jordan
Budget 3 298 220 USD
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/JOR/017/EC
Title Manejo integrado marino-costero de alto valor para la biodiversidad en el Ecuador - GCP/ECU/084/GFF
Abstract El frente costero del Ecuador, de alta biodiversidad en los ecosistemas de manglar y playas de anidación de tortugas marinas, tenía cuatro especies en peligro, principalmente por exceso de turismo, desechos, depredadores, y acciones imprudentes de pescadores, lo que, unido a la falta de recursos, poca colaboración con las autoridades, y escasas normativas y leyes, habían generado una inadecuada gestión, creando zonas degradadas.
Start date 01/02/2016
End date 31/08/2121
Recipient / Target Areas Ecuador
Budget 4 258 788 USD
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/ECU/084/GFF
Title Restoring Water Supply for Food Production and Livelihoods in Post-Conflict Areas in Iraq - GCP/IRQ/071/EC
Abstract The impact of conflict on the agricultural sector in Iraq has been devastating, and includes damage to water systems, irrigation facilities, and other agricultural infrastructure, the disruption of value chains, and loss of personal assets, crop and livestock production, and food supplies. In this context, the North Al Jazeera irrigation project, which was launched in the early 1990s to serve an area of 70 000 ha, was severely damaged during the years of conflict in the country.
Start date 01/05/2018
End date 30/06/2022
Recipient / Target Areas Iraq
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/IRQ/071/EC
Title Revival of Balochistan Water Resources Programme (RBWRP) - GCP/PAK/159/EC
Abstract Men and women stakeholders in selected river sub basins sustainably and equitably manage scarce water and rangeland resources and make transition to low water use food systems.
Start date 01/04/2022
End date 30/09/2026
Recipient / Target Areas Pakistan
Budget USD 30 445 177
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/PAK/159/EC
Title FAO Complementary Support to the Cambodia Programme for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Fisheries Sector: Capture component (CAPFISH Capture) - GCP/CMB/043/EC
Abstract The main objective of the project is to ensure a more sustainable, climate-resilient and inclusive growth of Cambodia freshwater and marine fisheries.
Start date 01/08/2019
End date 30/06/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Cambodia
Budget USD 18 961 798
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/CMB/043/EC
Title Sécurisation des systèmes pastoraux à Djibouti - GCP/DJI/004/EC
Abstract Principal moyen de subsistance pour 30 pour cent de la population djiboutienne, l’élevage représente 75 pour cent de PIB agricole. Depuis plusieurs années, des sécheresses récurrentes ont entraîné une diminution massive des ressources en eau et du couvert végétal sur de nombreuses zones de parcours.
Start date 02/06/2014
End date 30/09/2019
Recipient / Target Areas Djibouti
Budget EUR 6 547 778
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/DJI/004/EC
Title Gobernanza de la tierra en áreas protegidas de parques nacionales naturales de Colombia - GCP/COL/069/EC
Abstract Gobernanza de la tierra en áreas protegidas de parques nacionales naturales de Colombia - GCP/COL/069/EC.
Start date 02/05/2016
End date 31/03/2020
Recipient / Target Areas Colombia
Budget 3 628 118 USD
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/COL/069/EC
Title Improving Water Harvesting and Livestock Rearing in Matrouh Governorate, Egypt - GCP/EGY/026/EC
Start date 17/03/2017
End date 28/02/2020
Recipient / Target Areas Egypt
Budget USD 960 516
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/EGY/026/EC
Title Evidence-Based Policy-Making to Boost the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector in the Western Central Atlantic - GCP/SLC/020/EC
Abstract During the early 2010s, the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) expressed the need for increased attention to improved fisheries data and information collection as a basis for better fisheries management in the region.
Start date 01/11/2019
End date 31/08/2022
Budget USD 177 696
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/SLC/020/EC