FAO and EU Partnership

Title Global Strategy to improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics Phase 2 (PAS II programme EU) - GCP/GLO/472/EC
Abstract Update or develop agricultural statistics methodologies, develop capacities based on those methodologies and design national sustainable agricultural statistical systems to the benefit of 10 African countries (2nd phase of the Pan-African Statistics Programme (PAS-II) in the field of agricultural statistics and Phase 2 of the Global Strategy Programme, part of an umbrella programme in FAO with MTF/GLO/431/BMG).
Start date 01/01/2021
End date 30/06/2024
Budget USD 3 576 594
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/GLO/472/EC
Title FFS/APFS Practices and Methodology Dissemination (EU FRESAN Project Result 1.1) - GCP/ANG/063/EC
Abstract Strengthening the extension advisory system of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forest through the Agrarian Development Institute (IDA) with the implementation of FFS and by supporting the climate resilience strategy of the Ministry of Environment.
Start date 03/01/2020
End date 03/12/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Angola
Budget USD 6 108 299
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/ANG/063/EC
Title Responding to the Economic Crisis: Protecting smallholder farmer livelihoods through safe and efficient use of fertilizer and quality seed for better productivity in paddy farming - GCP/SRL/080/EC
Abstract The project aims at responding to the Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka, protecting smallholder farmer livelihoods through safe and efficient use of fertilizer and quality seed for better productivity in paddy farming.
Start date 24/12/2022
End date 23/06/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Sri Lanka
Budget USD 4 146 409
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/SRL/080/EC
Title Safeguarding food and livelihoods security through unconditional cash transfer and emergency livestock - OSRO/AFG/111/EC
Abstract "The common objective of this project with the ongoing humanitarian response projects is to protect food and nutrition security by boosting the livelihoods and productive capacities of poor, vulnerable men and women in these at-risk communities during the La Niña induced drought months."
Start date 01/04/2021
End date 31/12/2023
Recipient / Target Areas Afghanistan
Budget USD 26 386 983
Donor European Union
Project Code OSRO/AFG/111/EC
Title Improved Regional Governance of Marine Resources in the CECAF area - GCP/RAF/513/EC
Abstract To improve the regional governance of marine resources using science-based advice in the central CECAF area (Western Central Gulf of Guinea) by strengthening existing management processes with the view to contribute to food security and sustainable livelihoods.
Start date 13/12/2018
End date 31/12/2023
Budget USD 1 567 017
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/RAF/513/EC
Title Afikepo - Nutrition Programme in Malawi - UNJP/MLW/071/EC
Abstract "1) To increase and diversify dietary intake of safe and nutritious foods to achieve optimal nutrition for women of child bearing age, adolescent girls, infants and young children in the targeted districts. 2) To strengthen multi-sectoral governance of nutrition contributing both to national and district development planning and monitoring as well as informing national level policies."
Start date 01/07/2012
End date 31/12/2023
Recipient / Target Areas Malawi
Budget USD 28 751 067
Donor European Union
Project Code UNJP/MLW/071/EC
Title Support to agricultural livelihoods of rural and peri-urban returnees and communities in Ninevah Governorate, Iraq - OSRO/IRQ/902/EC
Abstract To make a significant contribution to the sustainable food and agricultural livelihood security of Iraq's rural and peri-urban population in Ninevah Governorate.
Start date 01/06/2019
End date 30/06/2023
Recipient / Target Areas Iraq
Budget USD 16 827 085
Donor European Union
Project Code OSRO/IRQ/902/EC
Title FAO AgrInvest initiative in support to the Uganda Development Bank (UDB) - GCP/UGA/058/EC
Abstract The project aims to increase private investments in the agriculture and agribusiness sectors of Uganda through an enhanced capacity of the Uganda Development Bank (UDB) and public-private policy dialogue. This support will aim at (i) de-risking UDB agricultural lending, enhancing UDB portfolio in terms of quality and scope and making some of UDB operations and processes more efficient and, (iv) enhance the policy environment.
Start date 01/01/2020
End date 31/12/2023
Recipient / Target Areas Uganda
Budget USD 2 443 336
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/UGA/058/EC
Title Urban Nature CONEXUS: co-producing regeneration ecosystems nexus for urban sustainability - GCP/INT/430/EC
Abstract "The project (led by the University of Sheffield) is addressed to structure, coordinate and promote access to shared, contexstualised knowledge needed to support cities and communities to co-create NBS and restore urban ecosystems for increased urban resilience and urban dwellers' quality of life.
Start date 01/09/2020
End date 30/08/2024
Budget USD 322 152
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/INT/430/EC
Title Support to strengthening sustainable and multipurpose forest management to improve rural livelihoods and address climate change in Kosovo - GCP/KOS/008/EC
Abstract Kosovar forests in Target Regions are managed more efficiently with multi-purpose, participatory approach, strengthened in accordance with the approved Law on Forests and supported with gender- and climate-responsive value-chains for poverty alleviation.
Start date 01/01/2022
End date 31/12/2023
Recipient / Target Areas Kosovo
Budget USD 1 691 400
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/KOS/008/EC