FAO and Italy

Title Global Library of Trees and Flowers - FAO Park
Abstract As part of a multi-partner initiative together with Roma Capitale, the Global Library of Trees and Flowers – FAO Park aims to involve schools and the general public in learning from nature and cultivating a broader awareness of our planet's biodiversity. The project will involve the planting of more than 90 species of trees on a 2.5 - hectare plot in the Villa Doria Pamphilj Park in Rome.
Start date 03/07/2023
Title Global network of farmers’ markets
Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has had negative impacts on blue food systems and value chains, particularly on aquaculture development. As a result, there has been a decline in both domestic production and the export of farmed products. The Global network of farmers’ markets seeks to make a substantial contribution towards these priorities by providing support to small-scale farmers to achieve inclusive and sustainable agrifood systems.
Start date 01/01/2021
End date 31/12/2026
Title The agrifood innovation platform
Abstract The agrifood system in the Mediterranean region faces several challenges, including its extreme vulnerability to climate change, its constant struggle between quantity and quality of production, and its management of resources in the face of both. Another concern is the erosion of the Mediterranean diet, a process that has had undesirable impacts on health and on social, cultural, economic and environmental trends in the Mediterranean region.
Start date 01/01/2022
End date 31/12/2023
Title The Sustainable Production and Utilization of Agro-natural Resources (SPUAR) initiative
Abstract The Government of Italy and FAO, in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture of Jordan, launched a project to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities in Jordan. Funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, the SPUAR initiative aims to improve their management of natural resources, by providing them new skills and climate-smart technologies.
Start date 01/01/2022
Donor Italy
Title International Programme on Research and Training on Sustainable Management of Mountain Areas (IPROMO) 2023, "Youth and the future of mountain forests"
Abstract This annual training programme on sustainable mountain development is jointly organized by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat at FAO, the University of Turin, and the University of Tuscia, sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Start date 01/01/2008
Donor Italy
Title City-to-city cooperation for sustainable urban food system
Abstract The city-to-city cooperation helped Kigali (Rwanda) and Nairobi (Kenya) think about improving food waste management in dialogue with Milan (Italy).
Start date 23/05/2021
Recipient / Target Areas Kenya, Rwanda
Donor Italy