Introduced species in fisheries and aquaculture
About | DIAS | Impacts | Regulations and agreements | What can be done| Terminology| Library

Introduced species in fisheries and aquaculture


Introduced species, also known as alien species, are a proven means to increase production and value from aquatic systems. However, they are also recognized as a serious threat to aquatic biodiversity, and may disrupt social and economic structures. This CD-ROM provides information that will assist with the responsible use and control of alien species in fisheries and aquaculture. Tangail, Bangladesh. Loading the catch (Nile perch). Full story

DIAS; Database on Introduced Aquatic Species

An information source on those species that have been introduced around the world; a brief review of the reason for their introduction, the responsible entity for the introduction and their impacts are contained in the FAO Database on Introductions of Aquatic Species (DIAS).

Read more �DIAS


Alien species have been identified as one of the most significant threats to aquatic biodiversity. They may adversely affect ecosystems and their biodiversity. Examples of the impacts alien species may have on biodiversity and social and economic structures are also provided.

Read more �Impacts

International regulations and agreements

Policy makers must balance benefits and risks. One should not ban all introductions, nor allow them to occur unregulated. A framework based on international guidelines and regulations should be used to decide when an introduction may be appropiate, and when it may not be. The most relevant international instruments and guidelines are contained in full-text versions.

Read more �Regulations and agreements

Resources managers in Cambodia. Mekong River Basin, Cambodia. Resources managers monitoring native and introduced fish.

What can be done

The application of the framework proposed in this CD-ROM will yield objective, science-based assessments of benefits and risks. Read more on how responsible decisions regarding alien species can be made here.

Read more �What can be done

� FAO / FIRI, 2006