Forest Monitoring

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) organized a closing workshop that brought together the forest and agriculture experts, virtually from FAO headquarters in Italy, FAO Regional...
Forests play a key environmental role in Sudan, as they protect the Nile watershed, serve as windbreaks and halt desertification. On a grander scale, forests also influence climate, as well as the ability of...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) today launched two practical instruments designed to encourage soil organic carbon maintenance and sequestration, a key tool for climate action.Carbon...
The world’s current method of food production isn’t working. Not for the estimated 500 million farming households in the developing world who produce one third of the world’s food, nor...
Thanks to financial support from UN-REDD, a new platform has been added to the Open Foris family. Launched on 7 July, Arena is an open-source technical solution enabling forest data...
The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration was declared to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems worldwide. Led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)...
Bamboo is a ubiquitous sight across many parts of the tropics and subtropics – but until now, it has been difficult to assess exactly how much of it there is. The...
Within the framework of the UN-REDD Programme, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is excited to host a webinar “Integrating Forest and Landscape Restoration into National...
Long gone are the days of paper-based field forms for data collection. No more muddy and torn pages with dubious handwriting; electronic data collection is now the norm in a broad range of field...
This week a group of international experts and practitioners met virtually during a global knowledge sharing webinar “Forest data and free open-source solutions for Climate Action”. This event focused on...
Despite international commitments and agreements, deforestation and forest degradation continue to affect ecosystems around the world. This ongoing threat exacerbates climate change and negatively impacts countries, communities and individuals. The projec
Tasked with using geospatial technology to count trees in a remote region of northeast Nicaragua, Rene Zamora, a Forest Economist from the World Resources Institute (WRI), had three priorities. First, he...
The Global Forest Observations Initiative, together with its leading partner the World Bank and others, will launch its new knowledge platform OpenMRV on 22 June 2021 at 14:00 CEST. OpenMRV is...
Countries around the world need accurate and up-to-date forest data for sustainable forest management and in order to take action against climate change. Open Foris - FAO’s collection of...
1. Introduction National forest inventory gathers, produces and disseminates robust information of the country’s forest resources to decision makers and stakeholders to support National Forest Monitoring and Assessment (FFMA) (AIMS, 2016)....
Investing in landscape restoration is key to help the world meet the 1.5°C climate target. Increasing investments will require making the case for restoration projects - and showing they work. Here are...
The Paris Agreement was adopted at a 2015 international climate conference, galvanizing countries around the world to initiate drastic action to mitigate climate change. It also helped kickstart global recognition of the critical...
JOINT UNEP-FAO NEWS RELEASE  3 June 2021, Nairobi/Rome - Facing the triple threat of climate change, loss of nature and pollution, the world must deliver on its commitment to restore at least...
FAO and the government of Equatorial Guinea have launched the project “Enhancing Equatorial Guinea's institutional and technical capacity in the agriculture, forestry and other land-use sector for enhanced transparency under...
FAO today launched a new online platform that will support countries and communities to monitor progress in restoring damaged and degraded ecosystems as the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030...