Forest Monitoring

Within the vast borders of Kazakhstan, the world’s ninth largest country, about two million families earn a living from the dairy sector. Small-scale farmers who own fewer than five cows...
Every year, deliberately set fires and wildfires burn millions of hectares of forests and other types of vegetation around the world. In 2015, approximately 98 million hectares of forest were...
In recent years, a wealth of newly accessible public datasets and satellite imagery, together with the exponential increase in online tools and mobile applications available to process this data have...
One of the best ways to innovate has been found in the use of online learning tools and courses, which have seen an unprecedented growth. Whilst we acknowledge the need...
When we think of Sudan, the first image that comes to mind is vast deserted areas with scattered vegetation. Yet, in this typical northeastern African landscape, forests are among the most...
Countries around the world have developed National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS) and capacities for REDD+ to track mitigation results and access carbon finance. Accessing carbon finance for REDD+ requires sound...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) conducted a Community Forest Management Planning workshop in Konobo, Grand Gedeh County. The training...
The future of the world’s forests are increasingly under threat from human activities. Deforestation and forest degradation have negative impacts on biodiversity and contribute to climate change. A number of...
On the 18th December, the Task Force on Monitoring for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration met online to review the progress made since its launch in March, and to plan for what’s to come...