
©Bates Smart/Peter Clarke

Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries

The Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries (ACSFI) is a FAO statutory body composed of senior executives from the private industry sector worldwide. It meets yearly with the main objective of providing guidance on activities and programme of work of the FAO Forestry Division on issues relevant to the paper and forest products industry, in support of member countries efforts to progress towards sustainable development. 

The membership of FAO-ACSFI includes heads of forest industry and forest growers’ associations, as well as company executives from approximately 20 countries.



Photo_ Ecofuturo - Mike May

New Haven, Connecticut – “Forest-based industries can play a critical role in facilitating global efforts towards ecosystem restoration” said the FAO’s Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries (ACSFI) today in a statement released at Yale University School of Environment in Ne...

Keeping 1.5°C alive through the growing contribution of climate-smart forest products to the bioeconomy
The benefits of transitioning to forest-based bioeconomies while balancing both biodiversity and community needs is now accepted as an essential contribution to addressing the climate crisis.
ACSFI Members at 8th World Forest Week

Last October, some of the Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries members gathered at FAO Headquarters (Rome, Italy), from 3-7 October 2022 in Rome, Italy, to participate in the 
