
©Bates Smart/Peter Clarke

Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries

The Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries (ACSFI) is a FAO statutory body composed of senior executives from the private industry sector worldwide. It meets yearly with the main objective of providing guidance on activities and programme of work of the FAO Forestry Division on issues relevant to the paper and forest products industry, in support of member countries efforts to progress towards sustainable development. 

The membership of FAO-ACSFI includes heads of forest industry and forest growers’ associations, as well as company executives from approximately 20 countries.



Using wood as the building material to promote sustainable housing

 “The world is facing an environmental crisis and forests, and the products that they provide, are one of the most important tools available to address the climate and biodiversity crisis,” said the Director of FAO’s Forestry Division, Mette Løyche Wilkie, in her opening remarks.


Fast-growing trees have ‘major role’ in helping to solve global challenges

 On 27 and 28 April 2021, the FAO’s Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries (ACSFI; ‘the Committee’) met for its 62nd Annual Meeting.

The Session started with the inspiring opening remarks of the Director of FAO’s Forestry Division, Ms Mette Løyche Wilkie, who pro...

FAO at the 19th Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF)

Research shows that some two billion hectares of world’s deforested and degraded landscapes offer potential for restoration. Led by the Food and Agriculture Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme, the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration runs from 2021 – 2030. Complementing th...


Year Meeting Title Meeting Report
Canberra (Australia), 17/04/2004 - 18/04/2004
Oaxaca (Mexico), 08/05/2003 - 09/05/2003
Rome (Italy), 25/04/2002 - 26/04/2002
Rome (Italy), 27/04/2001 - 28/04/2001
Rotorua (New Zealand), 02/05/2000 - 03/05/2000