Call for submissions

10th anniversary of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines)

2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the endorsement of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines).

The SSF Guidelines are the first international instrument dedicated entirely to the immensely important small-scale fisheries sector. More than 4000 voices from fishers, fish workers and others in over 120 countries have described how they would want to make livelihoods along the small-scale fisheries value chain sustainable for people and the planet. Their recommendations have been summarized into a concise set of principles, namely the SSF Guidelines.

The final text of the SSF Guidelines was negotiated by FAO Members and endorsed by the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) in 2014, confirming a strong commitment from both governments and civil society to bring about positive change in small-scale fisheries.

The principles in the SSF Guidelines address policies, strategies and legal frameworks concerning small-scale fisheries, but also other matters affecting lives and livelihoods in fishing communities.  The SSF Guidelines are global in scope, and they guide dialogue, policy processes and actions at national, regional and international level, contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  

Key issues addressed in the SSF Guidelines are:

  • securing tenure rights and managing resources responsibly;
  • supporting social development and decent work;
  • improving value chains from catching through processing to trading fish;
  • promoting gender equality; and
  • taking into account climate change and disaster risk.

Aware, informed, empowered, capacitated 

To achieve the recommendations in the SSF Guidelines, one must know about, understand and apply them. Efforts to implement the SSF Guidelines include: (i) Raising awareness; (ii) Strengthening the science-policy interface; (iii) Empowering stakeholder, and; (iv) Supporting implementation.

It is also important to understand the situation, challenges and opportunities facing small-scale fisheries around the world, and to use this knowledge to inform policies and decisions to support sustainable fisheries and community livelihoods.  

Change has to happen at national and local levels. For that, fishers and fish workers need to know their rights and responsibilities and have ways to realize them. Organisations that carry the voice of fishers and fish workers to policy- and decision-makers must be supported and empowered. Likewise, policy- and decision-makers need the tools and capacity to engage with small-scale fishers. 

All actors need supporting partnerships and arrangements that makes it easy for them to exchange ideas and concerns, and collaborate to make a difference. There is also a need to measure and keep track of progress. 

The implementation of the SSF Guidelines is both challenging and promising. The International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA) in 2022 has shown that actions to raise awareness on the small-scale fisheries subsector can generate positive results. Two countries have already launched National Plans of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries (NPOA-SSF) and other countries have started the process of developing an NPOA-SSF or have demonstrated interest in doing so.

On the SSF Guidelines website you can find more information about the SSF Guidelines, including related projects, tools and resources.

Tell us what you think and do!

Share your experience on the implementation of the SSF Guidelines

This call is an important stock taking opportunity for all and the results are expected to further inform FAO, governments, SSF organizations, NGOs development partners, CSOs, research and other partners initiatives to implement the SSF Guidelines at national, regional or global level.

The FAO SSF Guidelines team invite stakeholders to:

Share experiences, lessons learned and good practices on the implementation of the SSF Guidelines.
Point out gaps, constraints and challenges encountered in raising awareness and implementing the SSF Guidelines.
Suggest recommendations for improvements in implementing the SSF Guidelines.
Share concrete plans to (further) use and implement the SSF Guidelines.
Tell us why the SSF Guidelines are important.

Your contributions will support celebrations of the 10th anniversary of the SSF Guidelines, for example during the 36th session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries and during the 2024 SSF Summit and inform future implementation.

How to take part in this Call for Submissions:

Submissions can be made in any of the three languages (English, French or Spanish). Please keep the length of submissions limited to 1,000 words. You can download and upload the completed form on this webpage or, alternatively, send it to [email protected]

The Call for Submissions is open until 11 December 2023.

We engage you for an active participation and thank you for sharing your experience!

Nicole Franz, Fishery Officer, Equitable Livelihoods Team Lead, Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, FAO 

Mele Tauati, Fishery Officer (Small-Scale Fisheries), Equitable Livelihoods Team, Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, FAO 


FAO. 2015. Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication. Rome.

SSF Guidelines website

FAO. 2021. SSF Guidelines uptake and influence. A pathway to impact. Rome.

FAO. 2020. Legislating for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries – A guide on how to align national fisheries legislation to the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication. Rome.

FAO. 2023. International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022 – Final report. Rome.

United Republic of Tanzania. 2021. NPOA National Plan of Action For Implementation of Voluntary Guidelines on Securing Sustainable Small- scale fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (NPoA-SSF GUIDELINES). Dodoma, Tanzania.

Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR). 2022. National Plan of Action for small-scale fisheries. 2022-2026. Government of Namibia.


For learning more about the FAO publications on this topic, please read the article here.

تم إغلاق هذا النشاط الآن. لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى التواصل معنا على : [email protected] .

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  • أقرأ 64 المساهمات
  • عرض الكل

The University of the West Indies Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies (UWI-CERMES) is pleased to contribute to this 10th anniversary SSF Guidelines celebratory call for submissions. Following involvement in the global negotiations, UWI-CERMES has supported the implementaion of the SSF Guidelines in the Caribbean through outreach, capacity development and applied research. Our attached contribution provides a sample of findings from collaboration with Caribbean fisherfolk and their organizations on livelihoods and gender analyses, leadership and justice.

Best wishes,

Maria Pena and Patrick McConney


The needs of small Scale fishers have been identified. One of the best ways to improve socio-economic condition is financial literacy especially among women fishers. A structured condition will cater to the needs of all aspects that includes poverty and hunger. 

The finest example of empathy among women fishers is "Godavari Maha samakhya" is the group that caters to the needs so many families by collecting fistful of rice from each household of near 20,000 families, pooled and distributed to the needy families. This is in East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh state,  India. 

Other details provided in the attached file.

 For all purposes, the plans of action needs to be categorized  into Short term, medium and long term kind. To reach SDG by 2030 that included poverty alleviation and meeting hunger demands only mode left is blitzkrieg.   



Evangeline Wilby

Fauna & Flora
United Kingdom

Dear whom it may concern, 

I am writing on behalf of Fauna & Flora, an international wildlife conservation charity. We work closely with conservation partners in 48 countries to save nature together.  

Please find attached a submission towards the 10th anniversary of the SSF guidelines. This call for submission has been completed through consultation with local partners and actors that we work with. For any more specific details, please contact Hannah Richardson (CC’ed in here). 

Thank you very much. 

Kind regards, 

Evangeline Wilby

Fisheries and Biodiversity Intern

Fauna & Flora | Saving Nature Together 

Dear FSN- Moderator,

God bless. Please find attached my contributions to the ongoing consultation on the 10th anniversary of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) .

Thank you.

Best regards,

Foluke O. Areola,


Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,


Kindly find attached the completed form for the Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section (GAFS) of the Asian Fisheries Society on the implementation of the SSF Guidelines.

Thank you and we hope you would consider our consolidated contribution.

Kafayat Adetoun Fakoya 

Executive Secretary, GAFS.

According to local sources and the Ministry of Water and Energy (2010), fishing used to be a secondary occupation for some residents and was traditionally practiced on the Ribb River during the rainy season (spawning time), which was targeting spawning migratory fish species. But now, even though migratory fish, in particular, are hurt by the dam, which blocked them from reaching spawning areas, with the creation of the reservoir, fishers, especially those who have no land, are relying on fishing as a livelihood.

Dear Facilitators,

I am excited to share with you the submission to the call on the 10th anniversary of the SSF Guidelines. 

I hope you find it useful in the planned anniversary of the implementation of the SSF Guidelines and future engagements with stakeholders in the SSF of the country.

Best regards

Akintola, Shehu Latunji