

Making agriculture work for nutrition: Prioritizing country-level action, research and support

There is now considerable interest among international development organizations and practitioners in agriculture programming and policy to improve nutrition. This discussion is an opportunity to review the substantial international dialogue on improving nutrition through food and agriculture, to identify the research gaps and to distil and prioritize the actions needed at country-level.

Orange Sweet Potato Makes the Case that Biofortification Works

A study published today in the Journal of Nutrition provides conclusive evidence that orange sweet potato (OSP) provided significant amounts of vitamin A to malnourished Ugandan children and women and that a modest improvement in vitamin A levels in the body was measurable in some cases.

Showing the Impact of Food Assistance and Nutrition Support in HIV Care

Harvard Medical School, Partners In Health and the World Food Programme invite you to attend “Showing the Impact of Food Assistance and Nutrition Support in HIV Care” to be held at AIDS 2012 on 23/07/2012 (07:00am to 08:30am in Mini Room 5). Speakers include Rwanda’s Minister of Health and members from Partners In Health, USAID TRAction, the World Food Programme, Tufts University, and George Washington University.

Learn more/register at: http://hiv2012.eventbrite.com


Improving the Quality and Impact of Food Security Programming in Emergencies: The role of Food Security and Nutrition Response Analysis

Responses to food insecurity and malnutrition in emergencies have expanded dramatically in the past 5-10 years and improved needs assessment has increased willingness of donors to fund new alternatives to general food distribution and targeted feeding programs. However, the analytical process required to make intelligent choices among these new options has not always kept up. How can this process be improved?

التدريب والأدوات وقواعد البيانات

دليل الأسرة التغذوي

نحن بحاجة لأن نأكل جيدا كي نحافظ على حياة صحية ونشيطة، ويعرف معظم الناس أن الإنسان بحاجة إلى إستهلاك الغذاء لتأمين قدرته على مزاولة عمله ونشاطاته ومع ذلك فلا يمتلك الجميع فكرة واضحة عن ماذا يعني أن نأكل جيداً، وكيف نحقق ذلك بموارد محدودة. إن مشكلة الحصول على غذاء جيد عندما تكون الموارد محدودة لهي...

التدريب والأدوات وقواعد البيانات

Guidelines for developing national plans of action for nutrition

At the invitation of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), an international group of experts in nutrition, public health, food science and technology gathered in Rome from 19-26 October 1993 to consider the latest scientific evidence about dietary fats...


Street foods: the way forward for better food safety and nutrition

Street foods make up a significant part of the dietary intake of many and provide food generally not used at home such as fruits and vegetables, which serve as healthy complements to the diet. In order to maximize the positive impact of street foods, what can be done to increase the vendors’ food hygiene knowledge and practices and make sure their role is properly recognized by local authorities?


Linking Agriculture, Food Systems and Nutrition: What’s your perspective?

Agriculture and food systems face the challenge of meeting the growing demand for more and higher quality food, but also of doing so in a way that is sustainable, equitable and meets the nutritional needs and preferences of consumers. How should we move ahead to make sure that agriculture and food systems are up to this task?

التقارير والموجزات

The nutrition transition: a gender perspective with reference to Brazil

The concept of the 'nutrition transition' is widely used to explain the recent, rapid rise in overweight and obesity, and the co-existence of under- and over-nutrition, in low-income populations in 'middle-income' developing countries. This article provides an overview of the changes occurring in...
