Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)


Policy outreach and communications - what works for improving food security and nutrition at the country level?

The challenge

Technical notes, research reports, policy briefs, etc. on food security and nutrition (FSN) are often targeted at decision-makers and aim at contributing to evidence-based policy making. However the degree to which the FSN information produced is actually used by decision makers, and influences policy making, remains unclear. 

Through this forum we would like to explore the factors that contribute to our evidence and knowledge actually being used in policy making processes – in particular at the country and regional level.

We have prepared an optional template for capturing your success story which we encourage you to use.

The purpose of this discussion: collect case studies and concrete examples of successful policy outreach

We would like to gather concrete examples of how the FSN information produced by your organization has been used by policy makers and influenced policy dialogue and decisions in your country or region. We would like you to think of factors such as:

  • What innovative strategies and channels have you used to reach policy makers and get feedback on their emerging needs? 

  • Have you ever significantly changed your communication or policy outreach strategy? How did you change it? Did you get better results? 

  • What role do intermediaries (the media, “champions” in the government, etc.) play in helping you communicate your recommendations to policy makers? 

  • If you are a policy maker or user of FSN information, how do you communicate your information needs to the information producers? What should information producers consider when trying to increase the use of their evidence by policy makers?

More than anything we would like to hear your success stories about what actually worked in terms of your information being used by policy makers! 

How we will use the information that comes out of this forum discussion

After the discussion closes we will compile concrete examples and a list of recommendations for making sure the FSN information we produce contributes to evidence based policy making. This document will be available through this website and sent to forum participants.

Looking forward to meeting you online!

Facilitators of the discussion:

Denise Melvin (Communications and Outreach Officer, FAO),

Renata Mirulla (Policy Dialogue Officer, FAO)

and Cordelia Salter (Communications Coordinator for the Committee on World Food Security, FAO)

This activity is now closed. Please contact [email protected] for any further information.

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Claudio Schuftan

Viet Nam


I refer to your call for case studies on policy outreach and communications for food and nutrition security.

When your call says:

…information is not always used, undermining efforts to improve food security and nutrition.

…how can we improve the uptake and relevance of FSN information for decision making.

…Technical notes, research reports, policy briefs, etc. on food security and nutrition (FSN) are often targeted at decision-makers and aim at contributing to evidence-based policy making. …Their influence remains unclear.

…how info has been used by policy makers and influenced policy dialogue and decisions in your country or region.

the flaw here is that all these ask how these eminently top-down efforts influence decisions. Well, we know they do not! Decision makers know in the back (or front) of their minds what is wrong --and often what can/should be done.. The whole concept of evidence-based is flawed. No evidence will convince politicians to go against what their ideological position is.


What innovative strategies and channels should be used?

Can changed communication or policy outreach strategy get better results?

What should information producers consider when trying to increase the use of their evidence by policy makers?

These are all moot questions. Probably none of the answers will ultimately be of relevance for wide diffusion. Case studies? To what avail? Each will be the exception that confirms the rule...

Why do I have to tell you at FAO –-with a strong right to food working group-- that it is only through the process of empowering claim holders  (and duty bearers) to forcefully demand (and abide by their obligations) that will ultimately be more effective than (or have to replace) ‘old thinking’ policy outreach?

You will compile a list of recommendations for making sure the FSN information we produce contributes to evidence based policy making.

I rest my case.


Claudio in Ho Chi Minh City

>> English translation below <<

Le 16 mai 2012, le gouvernement du Québec dévoilait publiquement sa «Politique de souveraineté alimentaire», moins d'un an après son élection.  Pendant la campagne électorale de l'été 2011, et pendant les quelques mois qui l'ont précédé, notre Coalition a fait plusieurs représentations:

  • Envoi automatisé, à tous les députés de l'Assemblée nationale, de la «Lettre alimentaire citoyenne», sorte de déclaration proposée aux citoyens, reprenant le positionnement de notre Coalition.
  • Organisation et tenue des «Petits-déjeuners du bon goût de la gouvernance», un petit-déjeuner tenu annuellement au cours duquel les parlementaires sont invités à entendre divers experts traitant de sujets exposant l'importance des politiques publiques
  • Présentation des mémoires de notre Coalition à la commission parlementaire chargée d'étudier diverses questions concernant l'agriculture et l'alimentation
  • Publication régulière, notamment à l'occasion de la tenue des assemblées générales annuelles de notre organisation, de communiqués de presse. Relations média et offre d'interview par nos porte-parole.
  • Analyse de la plateforme électorale de 5 des principaux partis politique en présence, sous forme d'un tableau synthèse, présenté sur le site web de la Coalition.  Envoi d'infolettres aux membres les invitants à souscrire à la Lettre alimentaire citoyenne.

Pendant la campagne électorale de l'été 2011, il a été très régulièrement question de souveraineté alimentaire, concept qui a été repris dans le positionnement du parti politique qui a pris le pouvoir en septembre 2011.  Plusieurs candidats de ce parti ont annoncé, dans leur circonscription électorale respectives, l'intention d'un gouvernement de leur parti, d'adopter une politique de souveraineté alimentaire.  Les média locaux et nationaux ont témoigné maintes fois de cet engagement.

La politique en question, dévoilé en mai 2012, était un peu décevante. Mais elle a eu le mérite de porter la question de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation à l'avant scène, et d'une manière plutôt politique, mettant l'accent sur l'importance que les Québécois puissent s'alimenter de leur territoire.

Frédéric Paré, agronome, M.A.

Coordonnateur de la Coalition pour la souveraineté alimentaire.

On the 16th May 2012, the government of Quebec unveiled to the public its Policy on Food Sovereignty, less than a year after coming into power.  During the electoral campaign of summer 2011, and during the preceding months, our Coalition made several representations:

  • Automatic sending, to all the deputies of the National Assembly, of the "Lettre alimentaire citoyenne" (The Citizens’ Statement on Food) a kind of declaration intended for the citizens, with a summary of the position of our Coalition.
  • Organization and implementation of“Correct Governance” breakfast meetings, a breakfast meeting held once a year during which the members of parliament are invited to listen to several experts discoursingon areas that reveal the importance of public policies.
  • Presentation of Memoranda of our Coalition to the parliamentary commission in charge of studying several issues related to agriculture and food.
  • Regular publication of press releases, particularly on the occasion of the annual general assemblies of our organization. Relations with the media and offers of interviews by our spokespersons.
  • Analysis of the electoral platform of the 5 principal political parties represented, in the form of a summary table, presented in the Coalition´s website.  The sendingof news letters to members inviting them to subscribe to the "Lettre alimentaire citoyenne" (The Citizens’ Statement on Food ).

During the electoral campaign of the summer of 2011, the question of food sovereignty was often posed, a concept that has been adopted in the stance of the political party in government since September 2011.  Many candidates of this party have announced, in their respective election districts, the intention of a government of their party to adopt a food sovereignty policy.  The local and national media have reported time and again this commitment.

The policy in question, released in May 2012 has been a little disappointing. However it has had the merit of bringing the question of agriculture and food to the fore-front, and in a rather political way, putting the emphasis on how important it is that the people of Quebec should be able to feed themselves from their own territory.

Frédéric Paré, agronomist, M.A.

Coordinator for the Coalition on food sovereignty.