Invitación a una discusión abierta sobre el primer borrador del programa de trabajo del Decenio de las Naciones Unidas de Acción sobre la Nutrición
El 1 de abril de 2016, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), mediante su Resolución 70/259, proclamó el periodo 2016-2025 como el Decenio de las Naciones Unidas de Acción sobre la Nutrición (en lo sucesivo denominado Decenio de la Nutrición). Dentro del marco normativo de la Segunda Conferencia Internacional sobre Nutrición (CIN2) y la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible, el Decenio de la Nutrición marca un nuevo objetivo y rumbo en la acción nutricional mundial para erradicar el hambre y la malnutrición en todas sus formas, y reducir la carga de las enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT) relacionadas con la dieta en todos los grupos de edad.
El Decenio es una iniciativa mundial impulsada por los Estados Miembros de las Naciones Unidas y convocado por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) y la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en colaboración con el Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA) el Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA) y el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF), así como otros organismos de las Naciones Unidas y otras entidades como el Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial (CSA) y el Comité Permanente de Nutrición del Sistema de las Naciones Unidas (UNSCN, por sus siglas en inglés).
Para asegurar un proceso inclusivo, continuo y colaborativo, y para desarrollar y vincular las iniciativas independientes de los gobiernos y sus numerosos socios, se han realizado diversas rondas de consulta, incluidas las que tuvieron lugar a través del Foro FSN. Estas discusiones fueron un intento de comprender mejor las actividades clave que deben incluirse en el programa de trabajo del Decenio de las Naciones Unidas de Acción sobre la Nutrición. Más concretamente, estas discusiones tenían como objetivo identificar las actividades que deberían acelerarse en los países y la manera de optimizar el trabajo conjunto de todos los socios para mejorar las aspiraciones y especificidad de los compromisos y su implementación. La FAO y la OMS han utilizado las opiniones de numerosas partes interesadas para redactar el primer borrador de programa de trabajo del Decenio de las Naciones Unidas de Acción sobre la Nutrición. Este programa de trabajo es un documento abierto, que se basa en las iniciativas independientes de los gobiernos y sus numerosos socios y las vincula, y que se adaptará en función de as necesidades y las lecciones aprendidas.
Ahora le invitamos a comentar el primer borrador que se presenta aquí:
En concreto, le invitamos a que comparta sus puntos de vista sobre la mejor manera de enriquecer el primer borrador del programa de trabajo del Decenio. Es posible que desee considerar las siguientes preguntas:
- ¿Presenta el programa de trabajo un enfoque convincente que permite la interacción estratégica y el apoyo mutuo entre las iniciativas, plataformas, foros y programas existentes, teniendo en cuenta lo dispuesto en la Resolución 70/259 en virtud de la cual el Decenio debería organizarse con las instituciones existentes y los recursos disponibles?
- ¿Cuáles son sus comentarios generales para ayudar a mejorar los elementos presentados del primer borrador del programa de trabajo del Decenio de las Naciones Unidas de Acción sobre la Nutrición?
- ¿Cree usted que puede contribuir al éxito del Decenio de la Nutrición o alinearse con los diversos ámbitos de actuación propuestos?
- ¿Cómo se podría mejorar este borrador de programa de trabajo para promover acciones conjuntas que logren el cambio transformador solicitado por la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible y los resultados de la CIN2? ¿Qué echa en falta?
- ¿Tiene comentarios específicos sobre la sección dedicada a la rendición de cuentas y el aprendizaje compartido?
Sus comentarios se añadirán a los que se recabarán en una próxima reunión del Grupo de trabajo de composición abierta del CSA sobre nutrición, que se celebrará en la sede de la FAO el 10 de febrero de 2017. La FAO y la OMS redactarán un programa de trabajo final del Decenio de las Naciones Unidas de Acción sobre la Nutrición que será debatido con sus Estados Miembros durante la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud (mayo de 2017) y la Conferencia de la FAO (junio de 2017).
Le agradecemos su valiosa contribución a este intercambio.
Secretaría del UNSCN, en colaboración con la FAO y la OMS
- Leer 75 contribuciones
Thank for the opportunity. A few missing points are suggested.
Under Action Areas (Page.16)
There is adequate indication of the need to have integrated actions among the key players of nutrition. However the issue of close relationship of climate variability, change on food and nutritional security is completely ignored in the draft. Unprecedented changes in the weather will affect the access to food, food intakes behaviour etc.. especially during heat waves and droughts. Tacking Nutritional insecurities during of Climate Change and related disasters.
- It’s a very well known fact that Climate change could affect amount of food produced, variety and nutritional value of food and the Cost of food, However there is no mention of all these factors are not all mentioned in the the action plans .
- Not only food , the availability Water -the key source for maintaining the metabolism of the body – gets affected by Climate changes and Disasters
- Air pollution (GHG emission) has a direct bearing on the iron absorption rates in the body
- Tacking Nutritional insecurities during Climate Change Disasters: The disruption of transportation and communication facilities may impact emergency responses with respect to food security and nutritional securities (other natural disasters- Earthquakes .will take longer recovery period).
- Risks in the access to health services and finance -including the most marginalized and most vulnerable – during disaster period (Emergency, recovery / response period )is needed ( Page .6)
Under The aim
- “to end all forms of malnutrition and leaving no one behind; Whether this is completely achievable ?
- It may be better to have achievable aims as its very difficult to end the all forms of malnutrition.
Action area 1: Sustainable, resilient food systems for healthy diets
The report should analyze the concern of nutritional security with a Cross-sectoral livelihood perspective. Not only the small and marginalized strata. The modern lifestyles are actually adding to the malnutrition among rich strata of the society and children and old aged are the mostly hit category.
Action networks
- There should be an National Action Plan on Nutritional security and state level action plan for better implementation. There need to be nodal centre working to coordinate the activities for better implementation.[The establishment of an action network should be communicated to the joint FAO/WHO Secretariat in writing by the convening country. The joint Secretariat will also disseminate the action network information, news and tools]
Technical Support for implementation
The Nutrition Decade will strive to improve synergies in the provision of technical assistance by governments and international organizations in the context of development aid, as well as by NGOs, philanthropic foundations and the UN system.
In the backdrop of National vulnerability to nutritional insecurity, Governments is implementing various programmes and schemes for education, nutrition and health care for the women .To evaluate the efficiency of the Social Welfare Department’s various schemes of Ministry of Health and family welfare in improving the health and social status in children and women through qualitative and quantitative assessments based on Key Performance Indicators (KPI) could also be done. An online portal dash board showing the performance and achieved targets and key milestones with respect to each nutritional components can be taken up.
The Nutrition Decade will not seek to establish new structures but will facilitate broad consultation among stakeholders to seek alignment of priorities, policy instruments, and monitoring mechanisms.
To have a Micro level planning framework for monitoring and evaluation for the priority scheme/ area/district and ensure success in each plan is necessary.
Comments on draft January 2017
Diana Lee-Smith, Mazingira Institute, Nairobi
Thanks for the opportunity to comment on this important document. Additions are suggested to the Action Areas as follows:
In para 19, the definition of the food system should encompass production, processing, storage, transport, marketing, retailing, consumption, waste management and soil regeneration, to form a continuous system loop
This action area should include practical measures on improving dietary diversity which is shown to be linked to obesity from overconsumption of fewer food groups specifically starches and sugars and lack of access to affordable fresh fruit and vegetables as well as other food groups.
These measures overlap with Action Area 1 on food systems, as well as Action Areas 3, 4 and 5.
These measures are: access to fresh foods through own production in rural and urban areas, plus support to small scale farming and ensuring affordable distribution through food networks in urban and peri-urban areas as well as rural to urban linkages.
This links directly also to the dietary diversity measures proposed.
The human right to adequate food links to the rights of small farmers to produce for their own subsistence as well as to trade locally. This is also linked to dietary diversity. In fact the right to dietary diversity and measures to achieve it should be included in the right to food through a new general comment by the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food.
Add a note on linking the improvement of sanitation and water supply to waste management and linking that to the safe recycling of solid and liquid wastes to soil improvement for better food production and thus improved dietary diversity in food systems.
Please find attached GOAL Global’s responses to the consultation on the decade of nutrition work programme. Please let me know if you would like any additional clarifications on the attached.
Kind regards
It is very important, most especially in the rural area. The awareness of preserving food nutritional content in all aspects of food preservation, cooking and processing.
Ordinarily, after cooking, when the pot is left on the heat of the charcoal stove or hot plate that has been off, because of the volatility of some nutrients and vitamins, it will easily be destroyed. There is need to be careful when applying heat e.g roasting, grilling, toasting, baking, blanching etc. so as to retain all the nutritional content of the food products that is essential for the development of growth of the body.
Most rural area and even urban areas lack this knowledge and it is one of the major causes of malnutrition or nutritional deficiencies.
This is a comment on the first draft of the Work Programme of the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition, 2016-2025, accessed at
The draft confuses long-term aspirations and concrete goals. Aspirations are about moving toward something, while goals are about actually getting to some well-defined destination by a specific time.
Paragraph 2 says that at the second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), “the global community committed to eliminate malnutrition in all its forms . . .” That is a good aspiration, but as presented in this draft, the actual plan is to reduce malnutrition in all its forms, not eliminate it. Eliminating all forms of malnutrition is not a realistic goal.
Paragraph 1 points out that there are many forms of malnutrition: “undernutrition, vitamin and mineral deficiency, overweight or obesity and diet-related noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).” Grouping them all together could lead to very diffuse assignments of responsibility, limiting the potential for holding any agencies accountable with regard to goal achievement. In pooling these issues together, there is a risk that resources would be shifted to favor goals that are achieved more easily, reducing attention to ones that are more important.
The FAO and the Committee on World Food Security generally focus on food insecurity, roughly equivalent to undernutrition or hunger. Given its great importance, a serious commitment and plan could be formulated to eliminate this one form of malnutrition by a specific date, while calling on the global community to reduce the other forms of malnutrition.
Accepting this would mean retaining the sentence in Paragraph 3 that speaks about ending hunger by 2030, but modifying the following sentence so that it speaks about reducing other forms of malnutrition.
With this approach, it would be useful to establish separate lines of responsibility for the ending part of the overall agenda, and others for the reducing parts. Different UN agencies could be designated to take the lead for different parts.
This would be a radical change in the Work Programme. It would lead to a far more serious approach to addressing the challenge of widespread and persistent hunger.
If the consensus is that ending hunger is not a realistic goal, that should be said and it should be explained. Speaking as if it is a realistic goal when key actors are convinced it is not would be unfair to all concerned.
George Kent
Professor Emeritus,
Department of Political Science
University of Hawai'i
Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822
Author, Caring About Hunger
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